And they fly by! But most everything that is keeping me occupied is what I consider fun. I know not all people Butch. I don't consider golf all that much fun so I guess that makes us even.
Yesterday afternoon I had some women over to learn bracelets. To me that is fun.This morning is computer class and I consider that fun too. I think Saturday might be a free day. At least now it is.
I am still getting my two walks a day in but if I didn't make them a priority they would get brushed aside. So the walks are number one on my to-do list.
Butch is busy too. Like yesterday he played shuffleboard in the morning, cribbage in the afternoon and then he nearly always goes to the pool hall at 6 PM.
It is no wonder that we rarely venture out beyond the front gate. Oddly enough the weekends are our least busy time but every now and then one must take a deep breath, put your feet up and chill.
Direct TV guy is coming Sunday and bringing us a new dish. The one built into our coach will not let us pick up high definition or local channels and since we have been paying for those things for over two years without getting them we are a bit miffed. This time it has to be labeled our mistake. One of those costly life lessons we all get now and then.
So now I must get on with my class starts in 40 minutes!
Friday, December 31
Thursday, December 30
Yesterday was one of those days that you look on as unbelievable. Numerous phone calls and requests from all directions. I have not had a day like it since I was still working. But we got through it. None of it was earth shattering by any means. It was all ordinary stuff for the most part. It just landed all at once.
There are two things that took place that people should know about.
One is Chase Bank. I am sure all banks are now doing this but we all need to know and protest the practice. We had $3500+ in a Chase bank account. The first little trick they pulled is a $30 annual fee because we had less than $10,000 with them even though they are administering a very large annuity for us. We tried to get that $30 fee reversed without any luck. So we decided to do away with the $3500 we did have with them. They charged us $75 to close this account. As you can imagine Butch was livid and has let everyone he has come in contact know what Chase bank has done. We tried to get this reversed as well but had no luck with that either. So if you have small accounts here and there you are most likely being charged an annual fee for it and if you close it out they will sock it to you again. In our mind it isn't any different from the bandito's in Mexico stopping traffic and demanding a fee to keep from getting shot. Chase is most likely only one of many banks doing this practice.
Secondly, I must have registered as being diabetic online somewhere. At any rate my name is out there. There are many companies calling diabetics and telling them they have been authorized to receive a new test meter. The first time it happened to me I thought it was a an upgrade to my meter that I started with but it wasn't. It was a completely different company. They bill Medicare for it. Then I started getting calls from them-sometimes several days in a row-asking me if I needed supplies etc. So I put my number (cell phone) on the national do not call list. It takes 31 days for it to take affect but it seemed to be working...until yesterday. I received a call and it went like this. "Am I speaking to Barbara Brooker? Ms Brooker I am calling to tell you that we have contacted your doctor, Dr Panakos, and you have been approved to receive a new test meter. It will be arriving at your home in a few days." I said, "Wait a minute, You are planning to send me a new meter?" Yes, ma'am you have been approved." "I do not care if I have been approved. You are NOT sending me anything and you had best not call me again because I will report you. I am on the Do Not Call list." " Okay ma'am we will not send the meter then." This whole thing is very tricky because they make it sound as though your doctor has been notified and said you needed this new meter and that is not the case at all. It is fraud pure and simple. I can see how people get sucked into this very easily. And if it is happening to me it is happening to many others as well. So spread the word.
It was just one of those days....
There are two things that took place that people should know about.
One is Chase Bank. I am sure all banks are now doing this but we all need to know and protest the practice. We had $3500+ in a Chase bank account. The first little trick they pulled is a $30 annual fee because we had less than $10,000 with them even though they are administering a very large annuity for us. We tried to get that $30 fee reversed without any luck. So we decided to do away with the $3500 we did have with them. They charged us $75 to close this account. As you can imagine Butch was livid and has let everyone he has come in contact know what Chase bank has done. We tried to get this reversed as well but had no luck with that either. So if you have small accounts here and there you are most likely being charged an annual fee for it and if you close it out they will sock it to you again. In our mind it isn't any different from the bandito's in Mexico stopping traffic and demanding a fee to keep from getting shot. Chase is most likely only one of many banks doing this practice.
Secondly, I must have registered as being diabetic online somewhere. At any rate my name is out there. There are many companies calling diabetics and telling them they have been authorized to receive a new test meter. The first time it happened to me I thought it was a an upgrade to my meter that I started with but it wasn't. It was a completely different company. They bill Medicare for it. Then I started getting calls from them-sometimes several days in a row-asking me if I needed supplies etc. So I put my number (cell phone) on the national do not call list. It takes 31 days for it to take affect but it seemed to be working...until yesterday. I received a call and it went like this. "Am I speaking to Barbara Brooker? Ms Brooker I am calling to tell you that we have contacted your doctor, Dr Panakos, and you have been approved to receive a new test meter. It will be arriving at your home in a few days." I said, "Wait a minute, You are planning to send me a new meter?" Yes, ma'am you have been approved." "I do not care if I have been approved. You are NOT sending me anything and you had best not call me again because I will report you. I am on the Do Not Call list." " Okay ma'am we will not send the meter then." This whole thing is very tricky because they make it sound as though your doctor has been notified and said you needed this new meter and that is not the case at all. It is fraud pure and simple. I can see how people get sucked into this very easily. And if it is happening to me it is happening to many others as well. So spread the word.
It was just one of those days....
Wednesday, December 29
Our Boone Iowa Kids
I see Jason is carrying on the tradition. Everyone in the family is a "present".
Tuesday, December 28
Baby Elise's First Christmas
From Grandpa Gary:
She's a little too young to understand but hey she's still cute
She's a little too young to understand but hey she's still cute
Monday, December 27
A wee little grumble and more
It has turned cold! It shouldn't last long but when it drops from 80 to 38 in a few hours we suffer. No, I do not expect sympathy from my northern friends and family. It is reminder enough that coming south in the winter is an excellent idea.
Marlene and Bernard ventured over from Harlingen yesterday. It is about a 20 some mile trip. Marlene's intention was to stop at the Blue Barn in Mercedes where we can usually buy greeting cards at unheard of low prices like a quarter a piece. It was closed. BUT she brought with her one of her famous homemade Lemon Meringue Pies. It is capitalized on purpose. The pie deserves special recognition as anyone who has had the privilege will tell you. The pie was followed by more cribbage playing but to be honest I was not paying enough attention to give you a tally of the results.
Sunday, December 26
Good Intentions

Saturday, December 25
Elise video's
I am enjoying watching this little great grand grow. Thanks Gary for sending them.
3 new videos of Elise
Elise Eating Apples
Elise Playing Dec 2010
3 new videos of Elise
Elise Eating Apples
Elise Playing Dec 2010
Jason's Christmas Spirit
Our youngest son Jason doing what Jason does. Those of you who know him completely understand that statement. Thanks Laura for sending the video
Have the merriest of Christmas's
Have the merriest of Christmas's
Friday, December 24
Last of the old videotapes
From Gary:
This is the last of the old VHS stuff. It is Amanda, Gary, and Susan at 6th grade basketball in Harrisonville
This is the last of the old VHS stuff. It is Amanda, Gary, and Susan at 6th grade basketball in Harrisonville
Thursday, December 23
Leader of the Christmas Parade
We received a Christmas Card from Elise Teeter's family today. Such a cheerful little bundle of beauty!
Thanks Amanda and Brad for sending it down to us.
Wednesday, December 22
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
My how the days slip away! Mondays and Tuesdays are always a bit hectic for me. Tuesday is the worst and this particular Tuesday was especially so. As President of the association I kind of lead the way during our Tuesday morning coffee hour and people were testy and out of sorts this past Tuesday. I found out later it was a full moon. I think I will check into that before the next full moon so I can be prepared! Another lesson learned is to gather ALL the facts and not take one persons word for anything. At any rate I was glad for the dawning of Wednesday and the calm that came along with it.
Today we buzzed over to Harlingen and helped Marlene with a few different issues. Printer and electrical. Back home and putzed the remainder of the day.
Sorry folks...nothing much of note happening here. But then considering the season you are most likely not having time to read this anyway!! Always good to hear from any and all of you!!
Today we buzzed over to Harlingen and helped Marlene with a few different issues. Printer and electrical. Back home and putzed the remainder of the day.
Sorry folks...nothing much of note happening here. But then considering the season you are most likely not having time to read this anyway!! Always good to hear from any and all of you!!
Monday, December 20
Wavy Flag bracelet
Okay, this time the picture is one I made. Unfortunately I made it too large but if at first I don't succeed-try,try again!
Happy Holidays
Son Jason had a hard time calling us yesterday. Every time we tried to get a phone conversation going an activity interrupted us. I can see why he thinks we are busy down here. On Saturday we went to the Feast of Sharing in Weslaco. H.E.B., my most favorite grocery store feeds all their patrons a meal each December. It is a thank you to all of us who buy our groceries there throughout the year. It is always a good meal-Ham-mashed potatoes and gravy-mixed vegetables-apple pie and a drink. We get it fast and it is warm and delicious. It is a wonder how they can get thousands served so well and so quickly. Many people volunteer to get that done. That was Saturday.
Yesterday Butch's sister Marlene and her husband Bernard came over from Harlingen. We went to the Golden Corral for dinner, followed by a trip to the Don-Wes Flea Market. Then a lively game of cribbage followed with Marlene and Bernard cleaning up. All the Brookers are lucky but Marlene seems to have a bigger share of it but this time her luck revolved around her partner, Bernard.
Then at four I led the Magnolia Christmas Parade. I do not have delusions of grandeur. It is simply because if they are not led in a slow manner they will race around the park like a bunch of children in bumper cars. So to make the parade last long enough for anyone to see the floats I lead them at a leisurely walking pace. Everyone had time to see all the floats and get plenty of pictures.
This was followed by Christmas music and ice cream and cake in Allen Hall. Then we watched the final episode of Survivor. We were okay with the winner but we would have rather seen Jane get it. A very full day we had.
Well Butch is off to shuffle board and I must get my walk in. See ya!
Sunday, December 19
Pumpkin Mousse
From Gary: And yes, he cooks.
This solves that ages old ratio problem for us on Pumpkin pie. Amanda wanted it to be 80% cool whip and Susan wanted it to have thick crust. I just didn't want a whole lot of pumpkin so lots of crust and cool whip sounded good to me. Now we just make Pumpkin Mousse (a very easy recipe) and provide Graham cracker for crust and cool whip and everybody can mix and match as they wish.
Pumpkin Mousse
In a large bowl combine with a whisk:
15 oz. can pure pumpkin
Package of vanilla-flavor instant pudding and pie filling
1 cup milk (I often use half and half instead)
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
Ready to go after refrigerating for 30 minutes.
This solves that ages old ratio problem for us on Pumpkin pie. Amanda wanted it to be 80% cool whip and Susan wanted it to have thick crust. I just didn't want a whole lot of pumpkin so lots of crust and cool whip sounded good to me. Now we just make Pumpkin Mousse (a very easy recipe) and provide Graham cracker for crust and cool whip and everybody can mix and match as they wish.
Pumpkin Mousse
In a large bowl combine with a whisk:
15 oz. can pure pumpkin
Package of vanilla-flavor instant pudding and pie filling
1 cup milk (I often use half and half instead)
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
Ready to go after refrigerating for 30 minutes.
Nine years ago
From Gary:
These are songs by Amanda (Elise's mom) and friends in High School. Doesn't seem like it can be more than 9 years ago!
Music Makers
These are songs by Amanda (Elise's mom) and friends in High School. Doesn't seem like it can be more than 9 years ago!
Music Makers
Friday, December 17
One week out
Butch went to his one week appointment yesterday. All is well. He will have one more appointment the 5th of January to recheck everything. His eye pressure was borderline but so far he is not having the eye drops for eye pressure. That will need to be monitored however. We have an appointment in Iowa on April 19th. We were hoping we would not have to keep that one but it seems we will need to get the pressure checked at that time. His vision is 20/20 in his right eye and 20/30 in his left. Hopefully the left will get better too at the three week checkup. Although 20/30 isn't bad at all. He is seeing quite well. I am glad we are down to two drops a day in one eye. For me-that is progress. And yes he looks funny without his glasses.
Butch without his glasses. No, he isn't angry. His mother told him that scowly look might freeze on his face and by golly she was right!
Tuesday, December 14
Ethan Pictures
Son Jason Brooker playing hockey with Evan Foglesong, the neighbor boy across the street in Boone Iowa. Brrrrr- Sure looks frigid!
Monday, December 13
Cool Front and Other Stuff
A cool front came through yesterday so the highs were in the low 70's. That happens, it seems, about once every 10 days we will have a cooler-than-the-rest kind of day. I cannot remember the last time we have had a string of this kind of perfect weather from the time we arrived the 1st of November. We are currently in what South Texans call winter and from past experience Spring will begin about the first of February. So for us Spring is very near.
Butch is still doing well after his second eye surgery. It seems to me this second round of drops and other restrictions is going slower than the first but I suppose that is natural.
We went to WalMart yesterday. Not a common occurrence in our lives. I try to stay away from there as much as possible for more reasons than I want to take the time to list. We do have a very few items we prefer to buy there. One of which is their brand of sugar-free lemon drink mix. We were out of it and it has been Butch's drink of choice lately so we 7:30 AM on Sunday morning and I must say it is the perfect time to make that trip. The roads were clear. The parking lot was sparse. And the store itself had very few customers. It made for a pleasant shopping experience. We could get around in the aisles. (Why do so many people feel the need to shop with an entourage?) Checkout went quickly.
And then we went to WhataBurger for breakfast. Butch had biscuits and gravy. I had a sausage,egg and cheese biscuit. Butch had coffee and the bill was $4.47.
Filled up with gas-went through an automated car wash and then back home.
We went for our first walk of the day. They are taking longer and longer as finally the park is beginning to fill with those from up north and we must stop and greet everyone.
So pretty much just an ordinary day in the life of Barb and Butch
Butch is still doing well after his second eye surgery. It seems to me this second round of drops and other restrictions is going slower than the first but I suppose that is natural.
We went to WalMart yesterday. Not a common occurrence in our lives. I try to stay away from there as much as possible for more reasons than I want to take the time to list. We do have a very few items we prefer to buy there. One of which is their brand of sugar-free lemon drink mix. We were out of it and it has been Butch's drink of choice lately so we 7:30 AM on Sunday morning and I must say it is the perfect time to make that trip. The roads were clear. The parking lot was sparse. And the store itself had very few customers. It made for a pleasant shopping experience. We could get around in the aisles. (Why do so many people feel the need to shop with an entourage?) Checkout went quickly.
And then we went to WhataBurger for breakfast. Butch had biscuits and gravy. I had a sausage,egg and cheese biscuit. Butch had coffee and the bill was $4.47.
Filled up with gas-went through an automated car wash and then back home.
We went for our first walk of the day. They are taking longer and longer as finally the park is beginning to fill with those from up north and we must stop and greet everyone.
So pretty much just an ordinary day in the life of Barb and Butch
Sunday, December 12
More new food
Next up... picked by Mom, was Green Beans. I hear she likes her squash the best so far. Soon we will be trying fruits.
Near the end her mom says," Are you going to eat half a jar again?" And the look she gives her is priceless. I must say she is very cooperative considering the reactions.
Near the end her mom says," Are you going to eat half a jar again?" And the look she gives her is priceless. I must say she is very cooperative considering the reactions.
Saturday, December 11
Elise tries new food
Thanks Grandpa Gary for sending these.
Elise trying flavored food for the first time
Elise getting cereal after peas
Elise trying flavored food for the first time
Elise getting cereal after peas
Friday, December 10
Second Eye
Butch had his second eye surgery and the check up after. All is well. The doctor even told him he could drive home. That was a surprise. So we are into our week of eyedrops 4 times a day-five minutes apart. People are beginning to tell him he looks weird without his glasses. He is being amazed at how clear and vivid his vision is now. And I am very grateful he can see better. Perhaps we may be safer in our night driving too. Four eyes (mine and his) have been a big part of our driving experience for quite some time. I doubt that I stop that. wink, wink.
One of the advantages of the lifestyle we lead is that we make new friends all over the country. And not merely casual friends but really good ones who we have an interest in their lives and they in ours.
One of the disadvantages to the lifestyle we lead is that we make really good friends all over the country and even with the Internet it is still a challenge to stay an active part in all our friends lives. Someones name will pop in my head and I will think,"My, it has been a really long time since I have heard from them. I wonder how things are with them." I have the intention of sending them a personal email or a phone call but then the hustle and bustle of a busy life gets in the way. I know this happens for them as well. I am not complaining. I know those friends are out there and that we could pick up that friendship at the drop of a hat but this morning I want all of you to know that you are in our thoughts and more than you might imagine. When Butch and I go on our walk during our conversation a name will come up and we will reminisce about our friendship or a funny incident that happened with them.
And sometimes I slip up and miss Bev Gundersons was yesterday. Sorry Bev...but I did think of you!
I guess that is my point this morning. We do care...and we do remember.
One of the disadvantages to the lifestyle we lead is that we make really good friends all over the country and even with the Internet it is still a challenge to stay an active part in all our friends lives. Someones name will pop in my head and I will think,"My, it has been a really long time since I have heard from them. I wonder how things are with them." I have the intention of sending them a personal email or a phone call but then the hustle and bustle of a busy life gets in the way. I know this happens for them as well. I am not complaining. I know those friends are out there and that we could pick up that friendship at the drop of a hat but this morning I want all of you to know that you are in our thoughts and more than you might imagine. When Butch and I go on our walk during our conversation a name will come up and we will reminisce about our friendship or a funny incident that happened with them.
And sometimes I slip up and miss Bev Gundersons was yesterday. Sorry Bev...but I did think of you!
I guess that is my point this morning. We do care...and we do remember.
Wednesday, December 8
Butch's second eye and computer issues.
His second surgery went well and quick. He was scheduled for 6:00 AM and we were headed home at 7:32. So in about 3 days his vision should be pretty darn good and in a week he should be able to resume all normal activities. He is very grateful for his prospective good vision and also the business of going through it all is now behind him.
My friend Kay had a anti-virus/spyware failure this morning. It doesn't matter what you have for protection as anyone of them can fail. Especially spyware and malware. They seem to be a greater threat these days than the virus's. Kay was doing her morning puzzle when Thinkpoint reared its ugly head. It is a trojan that holds your computer hostage and insist you give them $99 in ransom. Well, she hollered help instead. It is a booger of a thing to get rid of. I researched it and found the fix on my computer. The fix was asking me to do things in the registry that make me a bit nervous so I called in my friend Mickey for reinforcements. So Mickey, Kay and I spent the remainder of the morning getting rid of this invasion. The advice I could locate says to shut down your computer immediately if thinkpoint pops up so it does not get a chance to invade. By shut down I mean hold down the button on your computer that you would normally use to turn it on and keep holding it down until it is completely shut down. Now this may not work and if it doesn't then find a friend who can look up the removal procedure for you because your computer will be unusable until you do get rid of it...Do not under any circumstances give them any money because if you do then you have the problem of getting your money back PLUS the problem of getting rid of this nasty thinkpoint. And by the way Kay didn't do anything wrong. This could have happened to anyone.
I know it wasn't much fun for Kay to have this happen to her computer but we sure had a good time visiting while waiting for the computer to go through various phases. And we were able to get it out of her computer.
My friend Kay had a anti-virus/spyware failure this morning. It doesn't matter what you have for protection as anyone of them can fail. Especially spyware and malware. They seem to be a greater threat these days than the virus's. Kay was doing her morning puzzle when Thinkpoint reared its ugly head. It is a trojan that holds your computer hostage and insist you give them $99 in ransom. Well, she hollered help instead. It is a booger of a thing to get rid of. I researched it and found the fix on my computer. The fix was asking me to do things in the registry that make me a bit nervous so I called in my friend Mickey for reinforcements. So Mickey, Kay and I spent the remainder of the morning getting rid of this invasion. The advice I could locate says to shut down your computer immediately if thinkpoint pops up so it does not get a chance to invade. By shut down I mean hold down the button on your computer that you would normally use to turn it on and keep holding it down until it is completely shut down. Now this may not work and if it doesn't then find a friend who can look up the removal procedure for you because your computer will be unusable until you do get rid of it...Do not under any circumstances give them any money because if you do then you have the problem of getting your money back PLUS the problem of getting rid of this nasty thinkpoint. And by the way Kay didn't do anything wrong. This could have happened to anyone.
I know it wasn't much fun for Kay to have this happen to her computer but we sure had a good time visiting while waiting for the computer to go through various phases. And we were able to get it out of her computer.
Monday, December 6
We finally made it to Mexico today. Very quiet! Aisles in the stores were not full of people. Shop owners had people out front trying to entice shoppers into the store. Too much so! It got to be a pain!! The panchos at Garcia's were still delicious but the place was empty and we were there at noon.
Saturday, December 4
Great Grands
We have Elise getting acquainted with Santa for the very first time
And then Nina Grace on her 2nd birthday
Garage Sale Day
I sold two bracelets outright and have orders for three others. And rid ourselves of lots of excess stuff to boot. Not a bad days work. And sitting there all morning is indeed work of the hardest kind for me.
Bill and Jo arrived today and will be spending a month here until the new owners Donn and Peggy Gordon arrive on the scene. Things they are a changing.
Bill and Jo arrived today and will be spending a month here until the new owners Donn and Peggy Gordon arrive on the scene. Things they are a changing.
Friday, December 3
Friday? Really?
It has felt like Saturday all day to me. Butch too. I suppose that is because we were getting ready for the garage sale. The park residents get to shop early after everyone is set up. Tomorrow the public is invited in to shop so it really always feels like a two day sale. I did get some bracelet orders today. When Linda was teaching us she warned that no matter when it happens people will want bracelets that you do not have the beads on hand to make right away. So of the the 3 ordered I do have beads on hand to make one of them. I came home and made an order for more beads to make the other two! Go figger! Linda was right. I ordered them from this time. I rather like them because they have free shipping. Not just this season but all the time. I looked a bit on ebay and I may order from there sometime in the future. I found quite a few that seemed to be bargains.
December? Really?
When you spend your time in a warm weather area it gets really hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. Another year will be on us in the blink of an eye. Oh well the days are full and fun. Yes, even when I grumble.
December? Really?
When you spend your time in a warm weather area it gets really hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. Another year will be on us in the blink of an eye. Oh well the days are full and fun. Yes, even when I grumble.
Thursday, December 2
Beads and Butch
Yesterday Noreen and Chris stopped by to see if I wanted to go with them to the bead store. Of course I said yes even though I have enough beads to start my own store. Well perhaps not quite but I do have plenty. Pictured here are Chris Pearce and Mary Gonzales. Mary is the happy owner of the store.
These are not beads I can use in the kind of beading I do but I thought they made a pretty picture.
Butch has come along well with his first surgery. We go to the doctor today for a checkup then his second eye will be done next Wednesday. Hopefully we will get a few days off of eye drops, weight lifting and bending restrictions before we start all over again. His vision is great out of his right eye but it is obvious he will need reading glasses when all is said and done. He is already having issues with it reading the kindle and playing games on the computer. He is ready to get back to playing golf and pool.
Wednesday, December 1
Not Much
Not much happening here...But the weather has been great. Some variety and a few cool days here and there but for the most part the weather has been nearly perfect ever since our arrival the first of November. My days consist of getting my exercise, putting drops in Butch's eye and making bracelets. The bracelet I made for Keri to match her dress for Erin's wedding has been very popular as Keri predicted it would be. It seems either the ladies want to buy one or they want to learn how to make it or both. Yesterday Kay Stilson and I went on a shopping expedition and we stopped at a bead store(Expressions in Pearls and Beads) in Weslaco at 517 S. Texas Blvd. Very nice bead store! The good news is she has lots of great beads at unbelievable prices. The bad news is she will be closing December 21st as her husband retired this year and she wants to retire as well. More good news- there are at least seven other bead stores to explore in the Rio Grande Valley. I suspect I will get them all checked out before April 1st.
Butch missed playing golf yesterday but he hopes he is cleared to go this coming week before his second cataract surgery next Wednesday. His checkup is tomorrow so he will find out then. Butch's brother Bill and his wife Jo are expected to arrive next Sunday or Monday and Butch will want to play as much golf as possible with Bill while they are here. But with his other surgery coming up he will be slowed down for at least another week.
Butch missed playing golf yesterday but he hopes he is cleared to go this coming week before his second cataract surgery next Wednesday. His checkup is tomorrow so he will find out then. Butch's brother Bill and his wife Jo are expected to arrive next Sunday or Monday and Butch will want to play as much golf as possible with Bill while they are here. But with his other surgery coming up he will be slowed down for at least another week.
Tuesday, November 30
Sunday, November 28
Sunday Morning
We plan to get to H.E.B., the grocery store, this morning. Early morning is a good time to get there having less people and fairly empty aisles. The problem isn't the grocery store. The problem is getting Butch to move while it is still early morning. Go alone, you say? For some reason he likes to go shopping since retired. He would be offended if left home and we have learned to deal with each other after 50 plus years so we will both go. It has become such a given that I don't even think of going without him.
His vision seems to be improving daily. He will only need reading glasses when all is said and done. That will be very strange because he has worn glasses since he was 5 years old. I am guessing there will be people who will not recognize him. Me being one of them!
Well, Butch is up and moving so maybe we can get our chores done early. So bye for now.
His vision seems to be improving daily. He will only need reading glasses when all is said and done. That will be very strange because he has worn glasses since he was 5 years old. I am guessing there will be people who will not recognize him. Me being one of them!
Well, Butch is up and moving so maybe we can get our chores done early. So bye for now.
Saturday, November 27
Normal stuff
Nothing very exciting going on at our house these days. Butch's vision is coming along I think. Can never tell by what he says because if I say he has complained that it isn't what it should be he will contradict me if he hears me say that. So I do not know and will probably not know till the doctor tells me. Hopefully it will be what I want to hear. In the meantime we are busy with drops 4 times a day. He has 4 bottles of eyedrops and most have to be applied 5 minutes apart. And to clear up a question the picture of Butch with his surgeon was taken right after the surgery.
I have had a few computer calls but nothing out of the ordinary and nothing too perplexing. The computer class wants to have a session on Avery labels and we will do that soon. It starts with a download (Avery Design Pro download) one week and then the instruction on how it works the following week.
So for now a bunch of laundry including bedding, vacuuming, my first walk around the park all await me so thats it till next time.
I have had a few computer calls but nothing out of the ordinary and nothing too perplexing. The computer class wants to have a session on Avery labels and we will do that soon. It starts with a download (Avery Design Pro download) one week and then the instruction on how it works the following week.
So for now a bunch of laundry including bedding, vacuuming, my first walk around the park all await me so thats it till next time.
Friday, November 26
Elise enjoys Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 24
What I'm up to...
Oodles and gobs with very little down time. This girl needs her down time. Mondays and Tuesdays are busy busy but the rest of the week is more moderate. It has been long enough now I do not remember what I did Monday- Oh yes I do! I cleaned house because I knew it might be my only chance for awhile.
Tuesdays are always busy with coffee hour in the morning immediately followed by golf making lunch happen about 2:00 PM and I am sorry but that just throws me off. Then I scheduled a bracelet instruction at 6:00 PM. That went well and her bracelet looks really great.
Wednesday started very early as Butch's appointment for his first cataract surgery was scheduled at 6:45 AM. It went well and he has been napping off and on throughout the day. I am now the driver till further notice. That could be real scary for him once he can see well enough to notice. I think I am driving fine. I can drive a straight stick I just do not like to and will give it back over to him ASAP.
Tuesdays are always busy with coffee hour in the morning immediately followed by golf making lunch happen about 2:00 PM and I am sorry but that just throws me off. Then I scheduled a bracelet instruction at 6:00 PM. That went well and her bracelet looks really great.
Wednesday started very early as Butch's appointment for his first cataract surgery was scheduled at 6:45 AM. It went well and he has been napping off and on throughout the day. I am now the driver till further notice. That could be real scary for him once he can see well enough to notice. I think I am driving fine. I can drive a straight stick I just do not like to and will give it back over to him ASAP.
Tuesday, November 23
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