I have played it low key, staying home, doing minimal things and trying to get full recovery. I felt good on arising this morning and since Butch has pool both morning and afternoon I decided to get caught up. So now the second load of laundry is in process, vacuuming has had a once-over, dishes are done and sanitized, check book balanced and I am getting caught up on computer stuff.
I feel like I have been in isolation, self-inflicted. One of my main concerns throughout this ordeal is that we not pass it on to our unsuspecting friends and neighbors. I would not wish what we have endured on my worst enemy.
Despite feeling good, I have noticed that it does not take much effort to feel fatigued. And food doesn't yet taste real yummy. I will be ready for a walk when the weather clears. Oh yes, I didn't tell you. The weather has been beautiful for the past week but today is cold (49 F) and wet. The forecast is for 30's tonight. Unlike the past two years, we then will enjoy a nice warm-up into the 80's.
Tomorrow is Costco Thursday and my list is ready. I am looking forward to a few hours with friends doing something entirely different!