Yesterday Butch and I worked on the villas and suites doing battle with the spiders and their webs. The largest building is the worst and I cannot figure out why. It always has much more webs than the other two. One of the primary differences is the amount of sunlight and the side of the building getting the most sunshine is also the worst.
Butch had some electrical chores yesterday afternoon so I took a break.
And this morning he is doing his green mowing chores. But he is usually home by now and I have not seen him go by so I am beginning to think there are mower problems.
I have been busy making bracelets but I must take a break from them now as my wrist that has had one surgery is beginning to give me some trouble. Linda instructed us on a new one last Thursday (Sidewinder-on the bottom) and it is very pretty but I have a really tough time getting the needle through the beads. Near the end I was using pliers to pull it through and that worked well. Part of the problem is that once I start I do not want to put it down till it is completed. So I will dig out my wrist brace and wear it for awhile and quit on the bracelets until the pain has subsided.
So Butch has now made it home and shopping in Alpena is on our agenda so signing off for now...