Saturday, January 25

Hope that's over

We had about 10 hours of freezing temperatures and it did affect the foliage. These periods of below-freezing temperatures used to be very rare in South Texas but now we have some of it every winter. Now it is rare to see an orange or grapefruit grove. It is too expensive to take the chance. It seems that when an orange grove gets frozen out they convert it into a housing development.

We are back to moderate weather 50's night and 70's day. We hope the folks up north will hold off sending any more of the cold stuff our way. 

There are so many activities a person could fill up every minute of their days and nights if they wanted to.  I think you would have to be crazy to try. I am sticking to pool,trivia, and square dancing. I have offered a beading class with some success but think I will let that drop after next week. I personally am getting back into beading earrings, relearning some of the many ways it can be done. 

Blogging has taken a back seat as I am sure my regulars have noticed. Age takes its toll. Photography was always how I would get past a session of writer's block but these days that has not been as prolific as in the past. But now that the thought has entered ny head I will take a look at the last photos I have taken. Perhaps I have not taken the time to post them.

I had to dig a while to find one worthy of posting. This was taken on the bike trail in Jefferson several years ago. I think thistles are beautiful.

Butch in 6th grade

Do you see the ghost?

It is fun to go through pictures! Time consuming but fun!

Sunday, January 19

A Surprise UPDATED

 I now play in a women's traveling pool team with Renie Stinson as my partner. Renie had a cruise take up her time this last week so Barb Utech filled in for her. This whole business is new to both of us but we dove right in there letting the chips fall where they may. I never feel bad about the outcome when I am playing the best I can and that was almost true for me. Barb U. on the other hand played well. We played 5 games and won 3 and the other two were close. We socialized with the other teams and I wrote down the scores. When I got home I took a second look and Barb and I took first place for the day! The scoring system is a little different and I won't go into it here. I was so surprised! Overall we are ranked somewhere in the middle and a good day sure felt fine.

Other stuff: The park is in the height of it with dozens of activity choices to make. Whoops! I just remembered that I told someone I would post a list of things to do in the RGV and then promptly forgot. I put this list together years ago when we were in Magnolia Park. Now to find it...pause here... Okay, I found it! I went to the blog I used to keep with for Magnolia park and there it was, now copied in this blog.


Things to do in the RGV

Rio Grande Valley To Do List

I am going to need some help with this list. Help me add to it, please. And you folks who are no longer coming down please send me a text or email to tell me what you most miss about the Rio Grande Valley. In no particular order...

1. South Padre Island
a. Beach walk
b. Dirty Al's
c. Pirate's Landing
d. Kite Festival
e. Port Isabel- The Shrimp boats is a comin'

2. Basilica at San Juan
Even if you are not Catholic this is worth a stop.

3. Nuevo Progreso, Mexico
Everyone has a favorite place to eat/shop so go on down and develop your own favorites. Going with an oldie is beneficial as it can seem a bit overwhelming to a newbie.

4. Riverside- right on the Rio Grande River. Great Food and Music. A fun place to gather with friends. Located south of Mission TX

5. Ropa Usada- means used clothing in Spanish and there are several places south on 23rd street out of McAllen where bargain hunters load up with used items for pennies a pound. An experience not to be missed.

6. Los Ebanos hand-pulled Ferry. This is not a highly touted tourist attraction. You can ride the ferry across the Rio Grande by car, bicycle or on foot and then it is about a mile to the first little Mexican village. They do not cater to all the fanciful things you will find in Nuevo Progreso. They are friendly but it is Mexico at a more basic level. English is not spoken by many. It is a whole other country.

7. Golf at several different courses all of them a bargain compared to other parts of the country.

8. Park Activities- We cannot overlook our own backyard. 

9. Your Golden Age Pass will get you into the park to spend several hours enjoying nature. Just a hop skip and jump from Trophy.

See Javelina and every bird known to the Rio Grande Valley.

11. original  in Harlingen TX

12. Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge

13. Lots of people go to Port Mansfield to see the deer and other wildlife 

The tour should be on your todo list for sure!

I have updated many of the entries on this list. And will do more updating in the future.

Suggested by others:

15. Please put Sisters. It's a marvelous shop that has been there for over 35 years. Delightful and a bit upscale. Sisters Boutique

16. Quinta Mazatland Bird Center
Many people are unaware that birding is a big deal in South Texas

I hope you have made it this far because special attention should be paid to this one. People from all over the world stay in this B&B. If you go to the ElDorado to eat you may be surprised to find it is across the street west from there.  Birding is a big deal