Butch and I have had quite a time of it this winter health wise. Nothing drastic there. Just the irritating things. Butch is recovering from the stomach flu. This is following a very bad cold followed by a continuing respiratory "thing" we assume is allergies that is being stubborn. I caught his cold and now I have the allergy crap, that is what we assume it is. I have never had as much problem as he has had. But now we are both on Allegra-D. He will resume the allergy stuff once he recovers from the stomach flu. So now you see my point. The allergy business has made us tempted to give up on South Texas before and we are at that point again.
However...The weather has been perfect this winter. Moderate would be a good word for it. We have had lots of sunshine. A cool day now and then but not lasting long enough to be bothersome. It has been as perfect this year as it was bad the past two winters.
So with not being in top form I have neglected both blogs probably as bad as I ever have. I may have lost some of my readers this past year. It would not surprise me.
I drove the car today! Butch having the flu prompted it. I hardly ever drive anymore but it is reassuring to know I still know how. I went to WalMart to refill a prescription and then to H.E.B. With coupons they give to seniors I saved $18.94. These coupons are unbelievable. We love our H.E.B.

Took this photo today.
People see me taking pictures and they often do not see what I see. I have become used to that reaction
Below is a hornets nest that people drive by every day and do not even know it is there. It is in the top of a tree not far from the office. We all pass by it frequently. Don Louks pointed it out to Butch who pointed it out to me.
This leaf was on our motorhome windshield. We have a screen on it that transforms the leaf to a pixelated wonder.This was a sunset taken from our front door one evening last week.