Saturday, July 3
Pineapple Casserole
We have had one potluck here at Thunder Bay Resort and Rebecca Crawford brought this recipe. It was delicious!! I happened to run across it in a newsletter I receive regularly and thought AHA! I am glad to have this because I forgot to ask Rebecca for it before they left. Thanks Rebecca, wherever you might be. We miss you!
Pineapple Casserole
2 (20 oz) cans pineapple chunks in own juice (drain, reserve 6 T juice)
6 T flour
1 c sugar
2 c grated cheddar cheese
1 sleeve Ritz crackers, crushed
1/2 c butter, melted
Oven 350F. In mixing bowl, stir together pineapple, 6 T juice, flour,
sugar and cheese, and pour into 7x11" baking pan. In separate bowl, mix
crackers and butter. Sprinkle over top of pineapple mixture. Bake 30
minutes. Enjoy!
Be sure and let everyone know that this is pineapple, not a potato
Thursday, July 1
Cooling our Buns
We are cooling our buns here in northern Michigan this morning with lows at 42 last night. We were warned it could get downright chilly up here and darned if they weren't right. And here it is the first of July. Thank goodness these cool days are interspersed with near perfect ones of mid-seventies, low humidity and sunshine.
The "boys" are on their weekly golf outing this morning and we "girls" will be beading in a few minutes.
I see the guys are just teeing off on #4.
We have a mystery. Last night after returning home from couples golf we found a paddle on our patio chairs. We have no idea where it came from. We do not have a canoe but now we have a paddle. Perhaps someone is telling us something?
Jack is about to start his rafting trips on the river so perhaps it is he who left it as an invitation? I am sure it will all come to light soon.
Looks like the Rio Grande Valley folks were lucky with Alex. He wasn't such a naughty boy, just slightly mischievous.
Gotta run now but must get back to blogging in an hour or so.
The "boys" are on their weekly golf outing this morning and we "girls" will be beading in a few minutes.
I see the guys are just teeing off on #4.
We have a mystery. Last night after returning home from couples golf we found a paddle on our patio chairs. We have no idea where it came from. We do not have a canoe but now we have a paddle. Perhaps someone is telling us something?
Jack is about to start his rafting trips on the river so perhaps it is he who left it as an invitation? I am sure it will all come to light soon.
Looks like the Rio Grande Valley folks were lucky with Alex. He wasn't such a naughty boy, just slightly mischievous.
Gotta run now but must get back to blogging in an hour or so.
Wednesday, June 30
Can you imagine??
Tuesday, June 29
Some Days
It is chilly here this morning.(57) I am waiting for it to warm up a bit before I take off on my daily walk. I have been walking a two mile route that I really enjoy. I go north on Country Club Drive till I get to the end then I turn left on West River Ridge Rd and walk toward town. This section is very rural and yesterday I surprised a deer. There is a short walk through the woods (saw a woodchuck or groundhog) where I connect up with a residential street. I make a U using about six blocks of Hillman then I climb a grassy hill, cross a downed fence and wend my way onto the golf course, past number 6 tee box and back to a street I do not recall the name of that leads back to the RV park . It is a two mile walk and takes me about 40 minutes. Yesterday I did not encounter one human.
Butch is busy working on the bird blind. They are painting it today and he is really racking up the hours what with yesterday and today. He seems to be content with his work whatever it may be although he did grumble when he had to mow greens in the rain. It was a low grumble compared to some I have heard however.
I am busy on the computer keeping up with sometimes as many as 6 blogs. Most prominent these days are this one of course and then but then I have also had occasion to post on and as well as the new one I keep saying I am not going to add any more but then the next group comes along and the first thing I know a new one has popped up. I am much better at pushing the responsibility for new input to others as quickly as possible. In some cases that means they will die. What will be will be.
I placed an order for a new mouse for Butch. His fell apart. It was all clicked out. Moving those cards around takes a whole lot of clicks. Well the company I ordered from required the shipping address and billing address be the same unless you call your credit card company and add a new verified address. I did that. Todays email brought the message that the order has been cancelled because of conflicting addresses so I called the credit card company to verify that the new address was indeed on there. It was. So that company lost an order and I placed my order somewhere else. I would love to tell the company that paranoia doesn't pay well but I do not want to correspond with them again so now they will never know why they lose business.
Heard from friends Kay and Pecan Bill and they plan to come visit us sometime soon. We will have to sit around the campfire and drink margaritas. It will be fun!
And after thinking of Magnolia Park friends I must mention that the news this morning informed us that our favorite South Texas area is going to get smacked with hurricane Alex. We are keeping an eye on Alex. We hope he isn't too naughty.
Monday, June 28
A Day Off
I took yesterday off.
Some of you already know faithful followers you! It was a rather rainy day...another one... and it seemed to me a good day for reading a bit. Bringing up reading...I ordered a Kindle. Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)
. I have been wanting one for quite some time but they were in the $400 range and this frugal woman could not bring herself to spend that kind of money. Now the price has dropped considerably as they are less than half what they used to be. My Kindle is on the way to me as we speak and I am excited about it. They also have Kindle for PC. It is a free download and if you do not mind sitting at your computer for hours on end to read a book there would be no reason to purchase a Kindle but I want the mobility of it. Free Kindle Books and How to Find Them (revised 11/09)
I downloaded Kindle for PC on our computers sometime back and have a few books on it. One of the things I like is that Butch and I can read the same book at the same time. We can have any books we purchase on both computers. This syncing feature is very handy. I can now also have 1500 books in the RV at one time I am sure I will be telling you more about it when I have it in my hot little hand. I didn't intend to go there when I started writing this morning but that often happens.
I also finished my first bracelet yesterday. I have to have Linda teach me about putting a clasp on it for the final touches. I am anxious to start on the next one. They are much fun to do. They are lightweight and drape well on your wrist.
Some of you already know faithful followers you! It was a rather rainy day...another one... and it seemed to me a good day for reading a bit. Bringing up reading...I ordered a Kindle. Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)
I also finished my first bracelet yesterday. I have to have Linda teach me about putting a clasp on it for the final touches. I am anxious to start on the next one. They are much fun to do. They are lightweight and drape well on your wrist.
I have many color combos swimming in my head for the next few I plan to do. I am also keeping my hand in on Swedish weaving. Beading makes for a nice switch-off hobby and takes up virtually no room in the MoHo. I think I have some women in my family who will be very happy I took to this hobby. wink, wink.
Today I thought about leading you to Howard's journal and taking another day off. After all we are in the same place and doing many of the same things and he writes about it so very well. But things evolved as they should and in a pleasant way so now you can go read RV-Dreams Journal and enjoy it as much as I did.
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