My connection (Verizon) here is not the greatest. It takes a long time to upload a photo. It eventually works but when it comes to slow internet my patience wanes. This is really a great park here in Moultrie Georgia. We are next to an Industrial Park and a small airport so lots of area for walking. We have two cows, Ribeye and T-Bone, a goat named Gazelda, free range chickens, 3 ducks and dogs that are leashed and/or penned...And kids who spend most of their days outdoors playing or working, a refreshing sight. The kids are either on spring break or home schooled not sure which. Yesterday they were pulling weeds out of the creek that runs through the park. I would guess the two hardest workers are 7 and 9.
I found this place by googling RV parks in Moultrie GA. It is a jewel. No pun intended.
Our kids are working hard to make ends meet and thus we do not get to see them often but we make good use of our time together when we can. Tomorrow we play golf in Thomasville.
I take pictures of Baby Nina at every opportunity and will continue to do so. I would like to get pictures of the grownups too.
So I think today I will catch up on laundry and perhaps wash windows.
Till next time...