Saturday, December 6

Saturday, December 06, 2003
Cleaned house yesterday. Washed widows and screens inside and out. It gave us a better outlook! ;-)
We now have the screen room secure enough to let Angel out there and not worry about her escaping. But she chooses not go out there. She prefers the motor home where she can see out the windows.
There was a theft incident in the park on Thursday. They had been leaving the back gate open during the day. We wondered about it when we got here because they sure didn’t in years past. Someone in the park left his or her pickup parked near the back gate. Sandi, the owner of the park, noticed some strange Hispanic fellows inside the park. She told them to leave and they did but a generator was missing from the pickup after they were gone. Thus the back gate is no longer left open.
Butch, who worries about his memory, remembers the code from past years. Now if he would just remember the toilet seat….
Today we are off to the races…the dog races that is with Lucy and Joe. Those of you who know me well also know that I am along for the ride.
The weatherman announced that it would be cold this morning and it is cold. A whopping 50 degrees! Monday they promise more 80 degree temps so we can wait.
We haven’t indulged in the social life of the park much but we plan to soon. Today there is a big garage sale in the main community room. Next Wednesday is the first bike ride and I am ready. They play cribbage every night at 7:00 in the office game room and I plan to mosey down there soon too. They are repairing the pool and Jacuzzi but when it is back and running I plan to use them as well. Butch and I have been getting our walk in every day. At least a mile of it.

Friday 12/5/03
We went golfing yesterday. First time I have golfed in a very long time. It went fairly well. I had a 53 for nine holes on a long course. I suffered no aches or pains for the experience. I could tell it had been awhile since it is more difficult to focus and stay with it for nine holes. I wore a pedometer to see if I really do get any exercise playing golf out of a cart and I do! It registered a whopping 2 miles. That was a pleasant surprise.

Wednesday, December 3

Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Yesterday we went to the ‘city’. McAllen. Shopped at Sam’s Club, WalMart and the SAS Shoe Store. The SAS Shoe Store is not a factory outlet so we were checking prices to see if we needed to go to the factory outlet in Brownsville. We do. The shoes Butch wants were $121 and in Brownsville they will be $84.
There is a very good little restaurant about a mile west of us. Vicky’s. They have a good cook and Butch likes to eat there. We walked down to eat yesterday but I couldn’t get him to walk today so we ate at home. I guess two miles is too far for breakfast. That and we encountered a dog on the way. It wasn’t a threatening dog but a dog still the same.
We fastened the screen room on today. Good to have that done.

Monday, December 1

Monday, December 01, 2003
We arrived last night about 5. The Thanksgiving weekend traffic going north was horrendous. At the checkpoint cars were backed up a mile or more. I was so glad we were headed south!
The weather is warm. 70’s daytime, 60’s night. We had the windows open and no furnace running. It is great. Angel has been quite intent on viewing her surroundings.
J. D. and his little dog Tony are conspicuously missing this year. They were our neighbors to the west and their place was a semi-permanent dwelling so it is not a good sign. For now we have empty spaces on three sides of us. Feels a little strange. We have the satellite TV hooked up and running. Internet connection is fine- just fine! Next stops are the Farmers Market and grocery store.

Sunday, November 30th
We enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal with George and Jackie, neighbors of Bill and Jo. Everyone along the river is very sociable and kind to strangers. ;-)
Friday was all geared toward Butch’s eye doctor appointment. His eyes are much improved although Dr. McNair suggested he continue the medication for 2-3 weeks and then try the eye drops again to be sure that is indeed the cause of the allergy.
We then did some housekeeping in preparation for our departure.
So tomorrow we are off!
Saturday morning after daybreak we left Heber Springs Arkansas headed for Texas. We aimed for a Flying J truck stop in Texarkana because we needed propane. When we arrived there they didn’t have anyone working authorized to do it. So we will take our chances without. Our route was 59 south to 79 and today we will pick up 77 at Rockdale. There are two main arteries into the Rio Grande Valley from the north, 77 and 281. We have been on both but this time highway 77 is our route of choice.
Last night we stayed at the Tucker Truck Stop south of Palestine Texas. It is always noisy with trucks nearby but we didn’t notice it much. Still no Express Network Internet connection. In the valley we will be near several large cities so I do not anticipate any problem with it then she says hopefully. ;-) I haven’t checked it as we have traveled because it is too much to turn the computer on and off all the time. I may check in Victoria Texas today when we go through. It will be the largest city we go through until we reach the valley.