From now till Mid-March is busy for us down here. It slows up considerably after that. Butch used to complain that we didn't have any free time when I was President. I knew then and I know now that it wasn't me being busy. Next week we plan to go to Mexico with friends, Mary and Brian Carlson, who stay in a park in Harlingen. We boiled it down to Friday next week. Monday is crafting for me but that is a deal where I can be there or not. No problem. Tuesday is Coffee hour and that is my duty as VP to attend. Butch plays golf. Wednesday he plays in a pool league in the afternoon. Thursday he plays cribbage and they are in tournament mode now so he cannot miss it. And that brings us to Friday. Most of the activities wind down or end mid-March.
Trivia is becoming very popular. I wish I could find a better time for it but we are squeezing it into the only time open as far as I can see. Sundays after ice cream. 6:00 pm in Allen Hall.
Thursday, January 25
Dog Poop Blues?

Get Poop Off Your Shoe
You get home to find you stepped in dog do-do while on your evening walk. No problem! Just spray some WD-40 on the sole of your shoe and use an old toothbrush to clean the poop out of the crevices. Rinse with cold water and your shoes will be as good as new.
Tuesday, January 23
A new portrait of us
Our picture that I use for this blog and other places where we need a picture is from 2013 so I decided we need a new one and I had my friend Deon take one.
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