Wednesday, December 8

Butch's second eye and computer issues.

His second surgery went well and quick. He was scheduled for 6:00 AM and we were headed home at 7:32. So in about 3 days his vision should be pretty darn good and in a week he should be able to resume all normal activities. He is very grateful for his prospective good vision and also the business of going through it all is now behind him.
My friend Kay had a anti-virus/spyware failure this morning. It doesn't matter what you have for protection as anyone of them can fail. Especially spyware and malware. They seem to be a greater threat these days than the  virus's. Kay was doing her morning puzzle when Thinkpoint reared its ugly head. It is a trojan that holds your computer hostage and insist you give them $99 in ransom. Well, she hollered help instead. It is a booger of a thing to get rid of. I researched it and found the fix on my computer. The fix was asking me to do things in the registry that  make me a bit nervous so I called in my friend Mickey for reinforcements. So Mickey, Kay and I spent the remainder of the morning getting rid of this invasion. The advice I could locate says to shut down your computer immediately if thinkpoint pops up so it does not get a chance to invade. By shut down I mean hold down the button on your computer that you would normally use to turn it on and keep holding it down until it is completely shut down. Now this may not work and if it doesn't then find a friend who can look up the removal procedure for you because your computer will be unusable until you do get rid of it...Do not under any circumstances give them any money because if you do then you have the problem of getting your money back PLUS the problem of getting rid of this nasty thinkpoint. And by the way Kay didn't do anything wrong. This could have happened to anyone.
I know it wasn't much fun for Kay to have this happen to her computer but we sure had a good time visiting while waiting for the computer to go through various phases. And we were able to get it out of her computer.

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