Butch is playing golf this morning with 4 of his friends so I took my camera on a walk hoping for some opportunistic photos.
Here are my results...
The Dog Park
Candy and Thelma. Thelma was disappointed because I did not have Butch with me.
The vegetable wagon comes every Thursday morning. They had just arrived and were getting ready for the throng of buyers.
Horse Shoes!
A hint of green gives a promise of Spring...at the end of next month.
This is what Butch wants to do to the tree that gave part of itself to the roof of our MoHo. If it is a healthy tree and it is cut at the right height it will recover. Butch saw the results of this during his lineman years.
PJ (Paul), Dave, and most of Alex on the golf course.
Butch and Bob...
All five in this one..PJ, Butch, Alex (behind pole) Bob ,and Dave. Alex and Butch have much in common. They both talk incessantly and if in the same room they will most likely both be talking. They are both competitive and good at whatever endeavor they are involved with at the time. And since neither of them stands still it can be difficult to get a decent picture.

Home again, Jiggety Jig