Saturday, November 4


I reread the post of last night and I should never do a post when I am tired. So now the mistakes have been corrected and I can admit to making and then deleting a blank post as well.

Saturday Morning thought:
Sure hope the sun is shining in Texas. I am getting quite tired of this daily gloom.

Friday, November 3

In the Motorhome

We are all moved in and living the RV lifestyle. Tonight I made spaghetti and meatballs. And when it came time to boil the pasta I had to go to the house to get it. I had forgotten it. I made spaghetti and meatballs because Toni (Averill) Roberts, another of the genius members of the class of '61, had dropped in and gifted us with a loaf of very tasty pepperoni bread. It paired up beautifully!

Earlier today, after my November haircut, we decided to go on a tour. Karla was home and sick with strep throat so we stopped by with some chicken soup for her and then we went to Boone to drop off some donated clothing I was ready to part with. We took the scenic route from Ogden to Boone. It was a wonderful day for it as the sun was making a rare appearance. On our way back to Jefferson we took the traditional and official detour by going north to Dana on the pavement. If you haven't done that for awhile you really should. The windmills and/or turbines are massive and plentiful. It is a site/sight to behold. and then we decided to see how many "campers" were still at Spring Lake. I think they must be workers putting the windmills together. There were 6 or 7 of them. But the main attraction was the geese!! Spring Lake is overrun with geese.

 It was a lovely day. It would be better if warmer but I am grateful for the sunshine and no rain or snow. We are 13 days from takeoff!

Wednesday, November 1

Transition time.

We are moved into the motorhome for the coming season. I am sure we will find incidentals on trips back in the house. After all, we are not leaving for 2 weeks yet. We took the move slow and easy and it was a smooth transition over several days. Sure feels good to know that in less than 30 minutes we could be headed out.
My internals have all decided to make themselves at home. All systems are working properly and other than a reminder when I do a bit too much I am feeling 100 %. This whole business has taken up entirely too much of my thought this past year in particular so it is with a great deal of gratitude that I am feeling free, easy and normal.

One of the things I like about being in the motorhome is my view. I am at tree level and seeing the birds at work and play is a bit different. This morning Butch watched as a couple of squirrels tried to walk off with the bird feeder. We likened it to a pair of robbers hitting an ATM and then when they cannot get the money out of it they just take off with the whole machine.
All these photos were taken from the motorhome. In a 2 minute photo session.
 White-Throated Sparrow-


House sparrow

 Downy woodpecker

Sunday, October 29

Feeling good

I am inches away from feeling like my old self. Rather the new and improved old self. My digestive system has taken a beating and it has taken some time to adjust but it now feels within reach.
Today we moved quite a few things into the motorhome. Butch carried stuff while I packed and then unpacked containers. It is very easy to forget that 8 lb. weight restriction.
Karla and Devon came over for the afternoon. They are both looking great and feeling fine. I am proud of them. They came through a difficult time and are all the better for it.
I wish the move was completed into the motorhome but slow is the only smart way to go. So we will continue on our turtle-like journey again tomorrow.

Halloween Theme

Elise told us she has planned a theme for Halloween and it is the Wizard of Oz. She is the good witch, her best friend is the bad witch and Leo is a flying monkey.
I see that her mother has posted pics on Facebook so I snipped them. Good Job, Elise. She is the producer, director, and performer.