Still trying to get warmed up after our cold spell. We participated in the garage sale yesterday and did well with the few items we had for sale. Gained a bit more space in the motorhome but it will fill up fast as it always does.
We picked up a new Verizon phone on Friday and it has a qwerty (full keyboard) so it would be easier to text if we choose and I am not at all sure how much we need to text. I have a computer and to me it seems like duplication of services. It also has a camera and we can send and receive pictures. The Iowa kids said they sent us 2 pictures but they haven't shown up yet in my phone that I can find. Something amiss there. The phone is enough like a computer that I am finding it easier to navigate than the old phone. I sold the old phone on the garage sale for $3.
Butch has been having fun on ebay. He purchased a new driver after much bidding and watching and losing. He finally won. y i p p e e.
I am in touch with several Swedish weavers I have met online. And next Wednesday a few of us are having a gathering in our park. Let's see...originally one is from Michigan, one from California and one from Missouri. The Internet can be a wonderful thing. Oddly enough someone at the garage sale had an old Good Housekeeping needlework book and I looked it over for Swedish weaving and found a few pages on it. I have the book now and we should have fun with that on Wednesday.
Caught up for now...