It didn't go so well. There were no buyers there. The car brought a reasonable price but the rest of it brought next to nothing. Slightly better than giving it away which we nearly did. Butch and I have had two auctions neither of them very successful. The one conclusion we have come to is that when and if we furnish another home we will do it through auctions. A perfectly good bedroom suite- 3 pieces-brought $12.50! If a person is patient and persistent an entire home could be furnished for next to nothing.
We had not been to an auction for a long time so from an unattached perspective it was interesting. And I could have been tempted a time or two but the old question of where do I put it in the motorhome stops me every time.
As the year goes by we do put things aside for sale when we get back to Magnolia Park in south Texas. I have never seen sales do as well as they do there anywhere else in the country!