The firefighters did a fantastic job of containing the blaze. It was heartwarming to see the Y camp kids thanking them when they came to the Commons for breakfast. Six fire departments were johnny-on-the-spot. A fire (Colorado) here becomes everybody's problem. The Y staff also did a commendable job of evacuating the kids. They train for this and it showed.
Everyone forgot to call the night auditor however! He was sleeping and safe from harm but he didn't find out about it until they called him to come to work early at 10:15 PM. Whoops!!
Many of the diseased trees had been cleared because of fire danger and those folks who are unhappy about the tree removal can perhaps now see the need.
So today we are in traumatic event recovery. Or perhaps I should say one of us is. Butch went golfing on the course that yesterday was in peril.