10 of us Jefferson Iowa Girls went to Paton (pay'-ton) Iowa for lunch. Paton Iowa? A town of 230? There is quite the story in Paton with an entrepreneur hitting it big with an idea and becoming a player in the world market and then sharing his wealth with the small town of Paton where his factory began. It proves that if you build it they will come. So we enjoyed our meal at the 209 main restaurant in Paton where a class of '64 reunion was also taking place.
The conversation was lively and the food delicious.
Janet Smith was in the class of '61 with the rest of us and she has one of the finest minds and sharpest wits of anyone I know. Janet has always been an unpretentious person and for some reason, I do not remember why, she was labeled with the nickname "Granny" way back when we were all in grade school. And it has stuck.Today she was telling us that she takes medicine for seizures but it is actually for her butt. Of course we asked why and she told us it was because she had trouble "twerking". And then added she could twerk but only on one side! That brought such a visual to me that I could hardly stop laughing. I am chuckling just reading this. Most conversations with Janet are like this. She is a jewel! I will point her out in the pictures below.
Saturday, September 13
Friday, September 12
Fall tripped into winter?
Colleen and I have been stymied lately on our walks due to cold and wet weather. Cold is anything less than 50 degrees. We are both hot house flowers.
But despite that we did attend a book signing in Churdan Iowa on Thursday. Below is a picture of the book and the whole thing was very interesting. I came home and purchased the kindle version of her book.
All I Could Be: The Story of a Woman Warrior in Iraq
Check it out on Amazon.
The above event was held at the St. Patrick's Church in rural Churdan.
Above and below are the bathroom facilities
My choice of pictures may give some pause for thought. It is what it is and take from it what you choose. 
Thursday, September 11
Bird Watching
Butch and I have taken up bird watching now that we have our new room finished. It is a shame we have missed these deleted ones.
Wednesday, September 10
A drone’s eye view of Jefferson Iowa
At 2:20 into the video is a glimpse of the bike trail. I wish it would go all the way to the bridge!
A drone’s eye view of the depot, the bell tower and more
September 7, 2014
Greene County Development Corp executive director is working with a volunteer committee developing a county-wide marketing plan.
It’s very likely a video will be developed as a marketing tool.
Paxton explained at GCDC’s annual meeting last week that following the GCDC-sponsored town hall meeting in August, Troy Powers approached him and told him he’d like to shoot some video. Powers went out that same evening with his quadcopter drone, and later sent the following video to Paxton:
A drone’s eye view of the depot, the bell tower and more
September 7, 2014
Greene County Development Corp executive director is working with a volunteer committee developing a county-wide marketing plan.
It’s very likely a video will be developed as a marketing tool.
Paxton explained at GCDC’s annual meeting last week that following the GCDC-sponsored town hall meeting in August, Troy Powers approached him and told him he’d like to shoot some video. Powers went out that same evening with his quadcopter drone, and later sent the following video to Paxton:
Still wet in Iowa
The sun was shining on our walk this morning but it does not seem to last much longer than 45 minutes. You have to get up early to see the sun.
And now it looks like this again. It isn't raining but looks like it could at any minute. The wooly worms are walking with us. Dark ones I have been told indicate a hard winter. I do not know what kind of winter this fellow predicts.
My paint job seems to have held up but it is too muddy to find out for sure. The temperature is normal enough now but they say cold is on the way. I am just plum full of good news today.
My paint job seems to have held up but it is too muddy to find out for sure. The temperature is normal enough now but they say cold is on the way. I am just plum full of good news today.
Tuesday, September 9
Rain, Rain go away!
This morning we, Colleen and I, managed to get our walk in on the trail after a 6 day break. The sun was shining and it was perfect weather. My plan was to get the 3rd coat of paint on the steps. When I started I noticed that the second coat did not withstand the torrential rains of yesterday. So perhaps you could say I put the 2nd coat on again! I felt really good about it. The sun shining and a light breeze gave me high hopes for success. Rain was predicted but not until late in the day. Late in the day translated to 2:00 pm, a scant 3 hours from when I finished painting. Not knowing if it was a bad or good decision I covered what I could of the steps with plastic and then anchored it with some boards.And then the clouds gathered and the rain came and it has rained and rained and rained. And it is still raining.
A couple of bright spots in the day were a visit from a classmate who lives in Rippey IA, Toni Roberts. She and her husband recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Toni makes really delicious egg muffins and she treated us with some.
Another bright spot was 2 pieces of Keri's key lime pie. So egg muffins and key lime pie brightened our day.
What Butch did: Played golf and burned scraps and branches before the rain.
And he called a guy to install new gutters.
A couple of bright spots in the day were a visit from a classmate who lives in Rippey IA, Toni Roberts. She and her husband recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Toni makes really delicious egg muffins and she treated us with some.
Another bright spot was 2 pieces of Keri's key lime pie. So egg muffins and key lime pie brightened our day.
What Butch did: Played golf and burned scraps and branches before the rain.
And he called a guy to install new gutters.
Monday, September 8
A Day at the Fair

Sunday, September 7
The ladies having fun at the fair
Leslie Cleveland, Norma Cooklin, Vickie Small and Patti Palmberg
Barb Brooker had already left for home.
Barb Brooker had already left for home.
Grandpa Gary says...
Elise( age 4 ) finds a way to make me laugh every weekend with how she talks. This morning she was helping me and I told her that brother helped me the same way the day before. She informed me that "you can have my help since I am the one that is available."
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