Butch and I will be in Missouri this weekend helping wee Elise celebrate her 2nd birthday. So not sure I will be on the computer at all...most likely not. So you can skip a couple of days. OMG I am giving you a vacation! I really do need to send out a nudge because every now and then I think many of you have dropped off from keeping up and I would hate for that to happen. That is said partially with tongue in cheek.
Butch and I are listening to an audio book so I am really looking forward to the trip. We are currently listening to Rush Road Home by Lori Lansens
Here is what it is about:
"When Addy Shadd was a young girl living in Rusholme, she was taught the
history of her town, which was settled by fugitive slaves in the 1800s.
It was told to her like a storybook legend - and although Addy is forced
to leave her beloved home as a teenager, the place will call to her for
the rest of her life. She thinks of it as a commandment: "Rush home,
Addy Shadd. Thou shalt rush home." But the stories and memories of
Addy's past have been buried deep in her 70-year-old heart - memories
that are by turns dark and poignant, erotic and mysterious.
five-year-old Sharla Cody is abandoned on Addy's trailer-park doorstep,
the old woman doesn't know if she is up to the task of mothering the
willful, curious child. But she takes the little girl into her home, and
Sharla opens a door to Addy's past - to memories of the strawberry
fields, the church graveyard, and the tender crust of her Mama Laisa's
apple pies. The past returns to Addy Shadd, and as she sits in her
trailer she can close her eyes and "see the county farms and city
streets and recall each season of death and rebirth." Somehow, Sharla
Cody helps Addy make sense of her long and hard life so she can find
forgiveness - and finally make the journey home again."
Friday, May 11
Thursday, May 10
J.I.G.S. Day
Yesterday I enjoyed a day with the girls, J.I.G.S, otherwise noted as Jefferson Iowa Girls. Really we are girls of long ago but girls all the same. We met for lunch at the Corn Patch in Grimes, Iowa. A nice place to eat by the way. It worked well for us as they were not rushing us in any way so we were able to sit and visit for as long as we liked...and we liked alot.
It is also a place to find out what is happening. A real, ' I heard it first here first' deal because my former classmates are involved in their community and thus know what is up. Jefferson had an A & W Root Beer Stand for many years. As a matter of fact I worked their as a carhop in my youth. Little known fact as they say.Well our dearly loved A & W closed a few years back much to the dismay of many people and not just locals. Well, we will once again have an A & W and that is cause for celebration! It will be open ASAP as I understand it and they are actively getting things done. Whoohoo!!
While I had a day away Butch managed to get a move on with the house and he made quite a bit of progress too. He has started on the pocket door area and will soon have it ready for the hardware part of it. He continued working on it today so things are moving along nicely. I will be taking new pictures shortly.
Wednesday, May 9
Kay Voss answers Kay Stilson
Hey, I will adopt you....bring veggies. haha Jim bought at least 50 new strawberry plants this year besides the 4 long rows we already have. One would think we had 15 children living here......He did cut back and only got 40 baby chicks this year. The "other Kay"....
Bill and Jo Brooker's Fox
Sent on May 6th from Kay S
For my friends who know Bill and Kay this will not be surprising...We need to reach out to our friend in this time of need. Perhaps we should consider an intervention.
From Kay:
"I have been home exactly 1 week today and already I am dreading the summer. Bill went up to his special little fruit market just across the border in Michigan. They had fresh strawberries for 25 cents a quart. His heart stopped, his eyes bugged out and he had thought he had hit the mother lode. He came home with 20 quarts. I am just now getting done. I ended up with 9 (16 oz). Red Neck wine glasses, 18 other jars of various sizes, but most were 16 oz, and 4 quart bags of sliced berries that I froze. I could give a s--t if I ever see another strawberry. Tell Butch there will be an ample supply of jam this winter on Peach Street. Also in this same trip he got a head of lettuce, a head of cauliflower, celery, and last but not least a bag (not small) of fresh green beans. Think of me, as it is only the first week of May. Somebody please adopt me QUICK"
Kay S.
From Kay:
"I have been home exactly 1 week today and already I am dreading the summer. Bill went up to his special little fruit market just across the border in Michigan. They had fresh strawberries for 25 cents a quart. His heart stopped, his eyes bugged out and he had thought he had hit the mother lode. He came home with 20 quarts. I am just now getting done. I ended up with 9 (16 oz). Red Neck wine glasses, 18 other jars of various sizes, but most were 16 oz, and 4 quart bags of sliced berries that I froze. I could give a s--t if I ever see another strawberry. Tell Butch there will be an ample supply of jam this winter on Peach Street. Also in this same trip he got a head of lettuce, a head of cauliflower, celery, and last but not least a bag (not small) of fresh green beans. Think of me, as it is only the first week of May. Somebody please adopt me QUICK"
Kay S.
Tuesday, May 8
Storm Damage
Early morning we left for Atlantic...dentist and eye doctor...Went straight to our destination and stopped at the dentist first. I needed just a little adjustment on my bottom denture but he was extremely busy so that took up any extra wiggle room we had before our eye doctor appointments. We went straight from the dentist to the eye doctor with both of us getting eye exams. Butch is going to need a bit of laser work on his left eye and is scheduled in Ames for June 14th. He was told at the time of his cataract surgery that is not an uncommon occurrence. On my exam he said I was needing cataracts removed but it was up to me how soon I wanted to get that done. However he did tell me it would be pointless to get new glasses as they would not do me that much good given the cataract situation. Night driving is out of the question for me right now but I already knew that. I am thinking of waiting till we get to Texas for more than one reason but I may change my mind.
After our appointments and with my vision totally messed up we went to lunch at The Farmer's Kitchen meeting up with my old Senior Haven partner, Connie Jones. Don't misunderstand, Connie isn't old. Actually she is near our kids age but it was a long time ago when she was the cook and I was the manager at Senior Haven. We had many good times together during that period of our lives. We had a tasty lunch too.
After that we moseyed down to friends Sherri and Randy Clark's house. Sherri has a daycare business so it is always interesting at her house. I was tickled when she told the children to leave the door open because "Somebody could get hurt." Grant, aged 2, said, "Who?"
That tickled my funnybone.
Sherry and Randy had plans to go out to eat with their friend Izetta Bopp and asked if we would like to join them. With nothing else on our agenda we agreed to meet up at 5:30 at Izetta's.
In the meantime we went to visit with golfing/squaredancing friends Bill and Bev Gunderson. Bev was just finishing up hostessing her bridge group and there were several people there we knew. However I did not know till later that another old bridge playing friend of ours was there. I totally missed Sue Schwanke being there! Duh! I am going to use the excuse that my vision was still messed up and it was but I really should have been paying more attention.
We met up with Randy and Sherry at Izetta's place. Izetta lives at Heritage House, a senior housing place in Atlantic. It is the first time I had been in Heritage House and it reminded me of an upscale hotel. Very nice. Izetta will be 100 in August and her son has 3 big parties planned for her. She will be up for them too as she is still very sharp and agile. We used to play golf in tournaments with Izetta and her partner Jack so we reminisced about golf and enjoyed some wine then making our way to the Redwood in Anita for dinner. We had a great time with conversation and good food. We made our way back home after that and I was tired enough to not even think about doing anything on the computer...so this is a long entry.
This is a picture of Izetta Bopp and Sherri Clark. Sure lookin' good!
After our appointments and with my vision totally messed up we went to lunch at The Farmer's Kitchen meeting up with my old Senior Haven partner, Connie Jones. Don't misunderstand, Connie isn't old. Actually she is near our kids age but it was a long time ago when she was the cook and I was the manager at Senior Haven. We had many good times together during that period of our lives. We had a tasty lunch too.
After that we moseyed down to friends Sherri and Randy Clark's house. Sherri has a daycare business so it is always interesting at her house. I was tickled when she told the children to leave the door open because "Somebody could get hurt." Grant, aged 2, said, "Who?"
That tickled my funnybone.
Sherry and Randy had plans to go out to eat with their friend Izetta Bopp and asked if we would like to join them. With nothing else on our agenda we agreed to meet up at 5:30 at Izetta's.
In the meantime we went to visit with golfing/squaredancing friends Bill and Bev Gunderson. Bev was just finishing up hostessing her bridge group and there were several people there we knew. However I did not know till later that another old bridge playing friend of ours was there. I totally missed Sue Schwanke being there! Duh! I am going to use the excuse that my vision was still messed up and it was but I really should have been paying more attention.
We met up with Randy and Sherry at Izetta's place. Izetta lives at Heritage House, a senior housing place in Atlantic. It is the first time I had been in Heritage House and it reminded me of an upscale hotel. Very nice. Izetta will be 100 in August and her son has 3 big parties planned for her. She will be up for them too as she is still very sharp and agile. We used to play golf in tournaments with Izetta and her partner Jack so we reminisced about golf and enjoyed some wine then making our way to the Redwood in Anita for dinner. We had a great time with conversation and good food. We made our way back home after that and I was tired enough to not even think about doing anything on the computer...so this is a long entry.
This is a picture of Izetta Bopp and Sherri Clark. Sure lookin' good!
Sunday, May 6
Getting started and other stuff
We have been getting a slow start to working on the house. Partly because of needing a respite from the hubbub of Magnolia Park life and partly just procrastination. But yesterday we made a start. I worked on the flowerbed out front and did some raking of leaves and other stuff. Butch mowed and started working in the crawl space under the house. He hates this part but it should be much better once this ugly chore is finished. I am his self appointed go-fer for this phase. Specifically what he is doing is moving out trash and rearranging dirt in preparation to lay down plastic for a moisture barrier. This is needed before insulation can be done. New windows, doors and electrical will also be done before insulation but we are taking the first step.

Butch took his bike to the new bike shop in town to get it repaired. Our bikes have suffered from their former outdoor life. His is now repaired and working great. Butch was pleasantly surprised at the reasonable fee to have the work done. So now mine is in the shop getting a work over too.
Last night there was a moonlight ride to Cooper (14 miles roundtrip) where Drew Sorenson, coincidentally the bike repair person, had his telescope set up for viewing the stars. I sure wish we could have done that. My night vision is lousy but I may have given it a go if my bike had not gone to the shop. I say that but we both were pretty beat after our days activities.
Butch took his bike to the new bike shop in town to get it repaired. Our bikes have suffered from their former outdoor life. His is now repaired and working great. Butch was pleasantly surprised at the reasonable fee to have the work done. So now mine is in the shop getting a work over too.
Last night there was a moonlight ride to Cooper (14 miles roundtrip) where Drew Sorenson, coincidentally the bike repair person, had his telescope set up for viewing the stars. I sure wish we could have done that. My night vision is lousy but I may have given it a go if my bike had not gone to the shop. I say that but we both were pretty beat after our days activities.
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