Saturday, September 25
Times are a changing...
Today Butch mowed the greens as usual. Hard to believe there are people willing to spend good money to play (bad) golf in this weather, but they do! Golf is a warm weather game. In cold weather your ball doesn't go anywhere. Your hands get numb. It is hard to have the flexibility needed with all the clothes you need to keep warm. It is harder to hear "FORE!" with your ears covered. There are just a cart load of reasons to not play golf in cold weather and yet they do. Butch is out there this morning- playing golf. Yawn...
Hitch itch has a hold on me. Every now and then Butch teases me and says, "You ready to go?". And I say, "Yes, I am". I know he isn't serious but I am. It won't be long now. 10 or 11 more days depending on weather. We will not take off in weather like we had yesterday. No sense in fighting wind like that when you do not have to. Very anxious to see the kids and everyone else we can work in before heading south.
Hitch itch has a hold on me. Every now and then Butch teases me and says, "You ready to go?". And I say, "Yes, I am". I know he isn't serious but I am. It won't be long now. 10 or 11 more days depending on weather. We will not take off in weather like we had yesterday. No sense in fighting wind like that when you do not have to. Very anxious to see the kids and everyone else we can work in before heading south.
Friday, September 24
Rainy Days
We had a beautiful fall day on Wednesday but Thursday dawned with heavy rain. Beading class was at 9:30AM and it was pouring but I put my stuff in the car and drove up there. We made a tennis bracelet. It is pretty but I am not at all sure I will make another one. I know how to make 5 different kinds now and I think that will be more than enough to keep me busy. I am having fun with it.
At class Joy gave me the directions for a Spiral Rope bracelet so I had to come home and work that one up too.
The group-From L to R- Kathy, Casey, Linda and Joy.
Everyone was concentrating on their tasks.
This morning I felt compelled to get some cleaning done- cloudy today with lots of wind. So much in fact we ended up bringing the slide in because the cover over the slide was in danger. Butch helped in between aiding an RV into his spot and taking care of the parks garbage. When I took the rugs out to shake there was a drowned ground squirrel in our rain bucket. Gave me the heebie jeebies! The poor thing was standing up under water and actually looked alive. Butch said, "Is it swimming?" I said "No"! He said then it is dead.
Did not like that little episode.
Then when I had some free time I decided to take apart 2 of my bracelets and Butch wanted me to take apart one of his. He felt his was too large and wanted to make it smaller. I had made a mistake or two on mine and wanted to correct it. So that is how we spent the rest of today. Had beef fajitas for supper.
Good day...except for the ground squirrel!
Thursday, September 23
Dewitt Jones - National Geographic Photographer and Inspirational Speaker
Still always looking for the right answer and knowing it will come.
Thunder Bay Resort Workamping
If you have an interest in workamping at Thunder Bay Resort, check out Howard's Monday September 20th, 2010 entry in his journal. As usual he is very thorough and precise in his explanation and I could not have done it as well ( too lazy and I like to take shortcuts;-)), so I am leading you to his site. or Monday, September 20th, 2010 to go there directly.
Raining too hard to step foot outside at the minute.
Raining too hard to step foot outside at the minute.
Picture this
Blue skies, leaf color and a walk.
Butch getting some electrical work done.
Golfers heading for #8 tee box
Below are some of my favorites. Having a bit of trouble with my connection this morning so just chose my favorite shots to see if I could get them uploaded.
Off to beading class in a few minutes...if the rain lets will see about posting more later.
Tuesday, September 21
Missed opportunity
I have been taking picture-taking walks the last few days but left the camera at home yesterday because of time constraints. We were waiting for a motorhome to get here and Butch was supposed to go golfing so I hurried to get the walk in. The sky was deeply blue and the leaf color brilliant in many locations and I bet I said to myself ten times I need my camera. So this morning we have partly cloudy skies and wind. Yuck...but I still need to get my walk in. Hopefully we will have more deep blue skies with more brilliant leaf color another day.
Yesterday morning we had another beading session and I borrowed enough purple beads to make a purple cluster bracelet. I have a friend who is partial to purple and I think she will like it very much. She is not the most faithful of blog readers so I have doubts she will see this. Be interesting to see if that is correct. wink, wink.
This blooming hen and chicks is still at it! I will let it go wherever it will to see where it goes from here.
We have had two nights of frost warnings so I have placed my plants as far as I can under the motorhome. Cannot get much better cover than that. So far, so good.
Butch is off golfing with the guys. I need to get some cleaning and laundry done but that sure does not sound like much fun. We will see what wins out.
Just thought of a tip for RVers to share. Every now and then our toilet will not hold water after we flush it. In an RV you need to keep water in it to keep the seals from drying out and to keep the holding tank odors in the holding tank. So no water in the tank is not something to be ignored. Our water here at Thunder Bay is quite hard and I had noticed a hard water build up on other things, like the bottom of the water pitcher and the coffee pot etc. So I put vinegar in those items and it dissolved the hard water deposits in short order. I happened to think the same thing could be keeping the toilet from holding water so I placed a small amount of vinegar in the bowl, let it sit for about an hour and lo and behold it worked. I have had to do this twice now since we have been here and it worked well both times.
Till next time...
Yesterday morning we had another beading session and I borrowed enough purple beads to make a purple cluster bracelet. I have a friend who is partial to purple and I think she will like it very much. She is not the most faithful of blog readers so I have doubts she will see this. Be interesting to see if that is correct. wink, wink.
This blooming hen and chicks is still at it! I will let it go wherever it will to see where it goes from here.
We have had two nights of frost warnings so I have placed my plants as far as I can under the motorhome. Cannot get much better cover than that. So far, so good.
Butch is off golfing with the guys. I need to get some cleaning and laundry done but that sure does not sound like much fun. We will see what wins out.
Just thought of a tip for RVers to share. Every now and then our toilet will not hold water after we flush it. In an RV you need to keep water in it to keep the seals from drying out and to keep the holding tank odors in the holding tank. So no water in the tank is not something to be ignored. Our water here at Thunder Bay is quite hard and I had noticed a hard water build up on other things, like the bottom of the water pitcher and the coffee pot etc. So I put vinegar in those items and it dissolved the hard water deposits in short order. I happened to think the same thing could be keeping the toilet from holding water so I placed a small amount of vinegar in the bowl, let it sit for about an hour and lo and behold it worked. I have had to do this twice now since we have been here and it worked well both times.
Till next time...
Monday, September 20
Beads and Bugling
I heard the bugling elk this morning. I thought , "Where in the world are those cattle?" And then it dawned on me it was the male elk trumpeting. For you Midwest people it sounds very much like the separation anxiety of weaning calves. I think it could soon lose its appeal if it goes on all day and night.
These are cluster bracelets. Very different from the others I have done.
These are cluster bracelets. Very different from the others I have done.
Cannot decide which of these two fall color pictures I like best.
Essentially the same shot just different angles.
I think this one is more appealing. What do you think?
Sunday, September 19
Rock hounds and fish
Butch and I went down to the quarry. The fish feeder needed filled and I took the chance to get more Petoskey rocks and fall color photos.
Butch has wanted me to take a picture of this tree all summer. It is near hole number 6 and it is one large trunk with about 6 trees coming out of it.
These two are near Hole #3
These two are near Hole #3
Quarry Pictures Below
Time Marches On
Our time here is winding down. Funny how it sneaks up on you. Many things jump to mind that I need to get done before we leave. I have done one thing on my list. Learning the cluster bracelet from Linda. They are not a favorite of mine but young people seem to really take to them and I have a few young people in my life. After I learn one I need to make several in a row to get the procedure firmly planted in my head. So now I am working on the 3rd one.
Yesterday Jack asked me to come to his office to help get some info out to prospective workampers for next year. We emailed about 80 people but of course only a fraction will respond or take him up on his offer. It has been a great experience here. I have learned so much and become acquainted with a great part of the country. Michigan is a special place and so much more than a name on a map. The biggest surprise to me is the cleanliness of everything-the air-the water- the countryside-the towns. It is all very clean. I will miss that about Michigan most of all. And we have made more new friends from all over the country and it will be much fun to connect up with them in other places as I am sure we will.
Butch is out mowing greens this morning with his winter coat on. We had a freeze warning last night. It was close but I do not think it made it to 32. I think 34 was the magic number. Too close for comfort however. I put my plants under the motorhome for protection.
We have an RV group coming in today so we will be tied to the place until all 9 Rv's are settled into their slots. It is one of the side effects of campground hosting that many people do not think about. You cannot wander off for a walk, a golf round or anything else until they have all arrived and been dealt with. Those hours sure add up in a hurry though!
So I think we are going to partake of Sunday brunch in the Grill and stick close to home.
Oh yes, A recommendation to Netflix users: The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency. It was an HBO series and we are on the first of 3 DVD's. Very different type show and quite fun. We are looking forward to the next ones.
Yesterday Jack asked me to come to his office to help get some info out to prospective workampers for next year. We emailed about 80 people but of course only a fraction will respond or take him up on his offer. It has been a great experience here. I have learned so much and become acquainted with a great part of the country. Michigan is a special place and so much more than a name on a map. The biggest surprise to me is the cleanliness of everything-the air-the water- the countryside-the towns. It is all very clean. I will miss that about Michigan most of all. And we have made more new friends from all over the country and it will be much fun to connect up with them in other places as I am sure we will.
Butch is out mowing greens this morning with his winter coat on. We had a freeze warning last night. It was close but I do not think it made it to 32. I think 34 was the magic number. Too close for comfort however. I put my plants under the motorhome for protection.
We have an RV group coming in today so we will be tied to the place until all 9 Rv's are settled into their slots. It is one of the side effects of campground hosting that many people do not think about. You cannot wander off for a walk, a golf round or anything else until they have all arrived and been dealt with. Those hours sure add up in a hurry though!
So I think we are going to partake of Sunday brunch in the Grill and stick close to home.
Oh yes, A recommendation to Netflix users: The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency. It was an HBO series and we are on the first of 3 DVD's. Very different type show and quite fun. We are looking forward to the next ones.
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