We and fellow workampers Rob & Ronni went to Harrisville MI to an Arts & Crafts Fair. A really big one with over 500 vendors. Usually these things are long on food vendors. This one was not, as you had to look a while before finding one. They were spread out too. Butch and I ended up with a pulled pork sandwich. They need to get to Iowa and learn about a pulled pork sandwich. It was good but not Iowa good. There were many,many interesting things to look at and I was definitely a Lookie Lou as I didn't buy a thing. Took lots of pictures and came away with lots of nifty ideas.
We were very lucky with the weather because it rained much of the night and the temps were in the 40's.It cleared just shortly before Butch had to mow the greens so all he had to deal with was the cold. He wore his Snow Mountain Ranch coat and was glad to have it. It did warm up into the 50's and cleared enough that we did not get wet while attending the fair.
After returning to our warm and cozy home we have been having a few cups of hot tea. It is perfect hot tea weather.
I saw a few,but very few of the bracelets I have been making and they were sporting some hefty price tags. I asked one of the vendors who had them there and she said it was one of a kind because they were so difficult and took so long to make she would not make another one. Hmmm ...I thought, I do not think I agree with you. The price was $59.
Saturday, September 4
Friday, September 3
Day Off
Yesterday I took the day off or at least that is what it seems like now. Got my walk in-went to beading class-then to Alpena for some quick shopping and lunch at Culvers. I had a prime rib sandwich at Culvers and it was scrumpdilicious , the best sandwich I ever had there. When we came home we watched the movie "The Secret Life of Bees". I loved it but it is a 3 hankie movie. Dakota Fanning always does a good job and it is the best role I have seen for Queen Latifa aside from "Chicago". "The Secret Life of Bees" will get a 5 star rating from me on Netflix. Excellent movie. And that wraps up my day. It started raining shortly before bed time so we went to bed to the sound of pitty patters of rain on the roof.
While at Culvers the ladies behind me were talking loudly. Not so loud the whole room could hear but I thought it was a tone or two above conversational. They were talking about how often they brush their teeth. One said they always had good intentions but they never seem to brush more than once a day and that was before bedtime. Now this seemed an odd subject for lunch conversation but I know how that can evolve at times. And it got me to thinking. I was not blessed with good teeth so now it is a subject I feel strongly about. When I got my dental implants the dentist told me that brushing the (implant=teeth) was absolutely essential because if I developed an infection in the bone surrounding the implant I would lose them and perhaps even part of my jaw. Now that was more than enough to scare the bejeebers out of me. He also told me that it takes about 16 hours for bad bacteria to form in your mouth so if you brush twice a day it does not have time enough to form and get a grip on you so if you brush twice a day, you are taking good care of your teeth and mouth. Now if someone had told me that when I was seven perhaps I would not have needed the implants. You can bet I have brushed twice a day ever since the day the implants were implanted. I missed once when I had the flu. I am not taking a chance with one of the best things that ever happened to me. I wanted to turn around and tell the ladies the importance of brushing twice a day...but I didn't.
Butch is off mowing greens this morning. He has 3 days this weekend -filling in for the holiday. We are still trying to cut back on hours but not having the best of luck with that. When you know those spiders are over there making webs you feel compelled to take a broom to them. Or at least I do.
While at Culvers the ladies behind me were talking loudly. Not so loud the whole room could hear but I thought it was a tone or two above conversational. They were talking about how often they brush their teeth. One said they always had good intentions but they never seem to brush more than once a day and that was before bedtime. Now this seemed an odd subject for lunch conversation but I know how that can evolve at times. And it got me to thinking. I was not blessed with good teeth so now it is a subject I feel strongly about. When I got my dental implants the dentist told me that brushing the (implant=teeth) was absolutely essential because if I developed an infection in the bone surrounding the implant I would lose them and perhaps even part of my jaw. Now that was more than enough to scare the bejeebers out of me. He also told me that it takes about 16 hours for bad bacteria to form in your mouth so if you brush twice a day it does not have time enough to form and get a grip on you so if you brush twice a day, you are taking good care of your teeth and mouth. Now if someone had told me that when I was seven perhaps I would not have needed the implants. You can bet I have brushed twice a day ever since the day the implants were implanted. I missed once when I had the flu. I am not taking a chance with one of the best things that ever happened to me. I wanted to turn around and tell the ladies the importance of brushing twice a day...but I didn't.
Butch is off mowing greens this morning. He has 3 days this weekend -filling in for the holiday. We are still trying to cut back on hours but not having the best of luck with that. When you know those spiders are over there making webs you feel compelled to take a broom to them. Or at least I do.
Wednesday, September 1
Kool-aid/Jello Popsicles
Son Jason called and asked me for Grandma Brooker's popsicle recipe. I tried to give it to him from memory and he too thought I was close but I decided to do a search and see if I could come up with it. This recipe is it and they are ever so much more flavorful than any you can buy.
Recipe: KOOL - AID POPSICLES 9/1/2010
Author: Grandma Brooker
1 sm. pkg. Jello, any flavor
1 envelope unsweetened Kool-Aid, same flavor
1 c. sugar
2 c. boiling water
2 c. cold water
Dissolve Jello, Kool-Aid and sugar in boiling water. Add cold water. Pour liquid into
small cups and place in freezer. When they are slightly firm insert popsicle sticks
into the cup. Freeze overnight. Our favorites are grape, cherry, and berry blue.
Recipe: KOOL - AID POPSICLES 9/1/2010
Author: Grandma Brooker
1 sm. pkg. Jello, any flavor
1 envelope unsweetened Kool-Aid, same flavor
1 c. sugar
2 c. boiling water
2 c. cold water
Dissolve Jello, Kool-Aid and sugar in boiling water. Add cold water. Pour liquid into
small cups and place in freezer. When they are slightly firm insert popsicle sticks
into the cup. Freeze overnight. Our favorites are grape, cherry, and berry blue.
Recipe-Farmer’s Market Soup Mix
My sister Theresa asked me to send her some of my recipes as she had lost them. In going through them I ran across this one and I think it is a perfect time to add it to the blog. So hurry on down to your local Farmer's Market!
Farmer’s Market Soup Mix

Farmer’s Market Soup Mix
This takes longer to read than to make, so bear with me. Make a huge soup kettle of this basic mixture and freeze it in batches suitable for your family. Each 3/4 cup of mix makes a two-cup serving of soup after “completers” are added. Enlist the family to peel and chop or just put everything through the food processor.
3 tablespoons canola or olive oil
2 bunches celery, trimmed and chopped
2 pounds carrots, peeled and chopped
6 medium onions, peeled and chopped
3 tablespoons minced garlic
2-pound head cabbage, coarsely chopped
2 pounds diced vegetables*
4 cans, 28 ounces each, diced tomatoes in juice
3 cartons, 1 quart each, broth **
Heat the oil in a big kettle and add vegetables gradually, stir-frying over
high heat.
When vegetables are limp, add the broth and tomatoes, cover, reduce
heat and
simmer until everything is tender. Soup will be thick. Freeze in batches
to suit
your family.
* The more variety, the more colorful the soup.
** Chicken, vegetable or beef broth, store-bought or homemade.
To make each serving of soup in camp:
3/4 cup Farmer’s Market Soup mix, thawed
3/4 cup water, broth or tomato juice
½ cup total add-ons (see below)
Suggested add-ons:
* Protein: canned chunk chicken, ham or turkey. Diced tofu. Diced
leftover meat. Canned beans (unseasoned). Sausage crumbles, real or
* Starch: cooked rice, diced potatoes, noodles, broken spaghetti,
tortillas cut in strips.
* Flavor makers: Add Italian seasoning to taste and garnish with shaved
Parmesan. Add chili powder and diced chiles for a Mex-Tex touch. Pass
sherry, hot sauce or Worcestershire. Top soup with showers of
minced parsley or cilantro. Top with oyster crackers and pass the
sherry. Or, just add salt and pepper.
Farmer’s Market Soup Mix
Farmer’s Market Soup Mix
This takes longer to read than to make, so bear with me. Make a huge soup kettle of this basic mixture and freeze it in batches suitable for your family. Each 3/4 cup of mix makes a two-cup serving of soup after “completers” are added. Enlist the family to peel and chop or just put everything through the food processor.
3 tablespoons canola or olive oil
2 bunches celery, trimmed and chopped
2 pounds carrots, peeled and chopped
6 medium onions, peeled and chopped
3 tablespoons minced garlic
2-pound head cabbage, coarsely chopped
2 pounds diced vegetables*
4 cans, 28 ounces each, diced tomatoes in juice
3 cartons, 1 quart each, broth **
Heat the oil in a big kettle and add vegetables gradually, stir-frying over
high heat.
When vegetables are limp, add the broth and tomatoes, cover, reduce
heat and
simmer until everything is tender. Soup will be thick. Freeze in batches
to suit
your family.
* The more variety, the more colorful the soup.
** Chicken, vegetable or beef broth, store-bought or homemade.
To make each serving of soup in camp:
3/4 cup Farmer’s Market Soup mix, thawed
3/4 cup water, broth or tomato juice
½ cup total add-ons (see below)
Suggested add-ons:
* Protein: canned chunk chicken, ham or turkey. Diced tofu. Diced
leftover meat. Canned beans (unseasoned). Sausage crumbles, real or
* Starch: cooked rice, diced potatoes, noodles, broken spaghetti,
tortillas cut in strips.
* Flavor makers: Add Italian seasoning to taste and garnish with shaved
Parmesan. Add chili powder and diced chiles for a Mex-Tex touch. Pass
sherry, hot sauce or Worcestershire. Top soup with showers of
minced parsley or cilantro. Top with oyster crackers and pass the
sherry. Or, just add salt and pepper.
Tuesday, August 31
A New Way of Walking
I changed my route and took my camera. It is like looking at the same thing with new eyes.
I started off by taking some shots of the Hen & Chicks in bloom. I thought this the best of the selection.
Stopped at the reservoir and this Mullein caught my eye. Looked it up upon returning home and found out this plant/weed has a two year cycle. This one is in year one and will grow its tall flowering spike next year.
Once you enter this sanctuary the sounds of the busy little town are muted. Everything is still except for the occasional falling of an acorn.
I started off by taking some shots of the Hen & Chicks in bloom. I thought this the best of the selection.
Monday, August 30
Hen & chicks in bloom
I have been not so patiently waiting for the Hen and Chicks to bloom. I knew it was close. The first of a dozen or more little flowers opened up this morning. It doesn't take much to please me...
New Faucet and the heat goes on
I thought since Home Depot is so close we will stop by and pick one up and save on postage. NOT! First off the stores do not carry it and secondly they cannot and will not order it for you. From experience I have found the online version of any store in any town is in no way related to the store you walk into anywhere. I feel they ought to advertise as such. Big sign saying if you order online we do not care- we do not have it here-and we cannot help you.
So I returned home and ordered it online. That is usually what I do anyway. And I found it on sale so with the sale price it made up for the S&H and thus got it for $58. So it all worked out as things usually do if we let them.
We have been having some warm days (upper 80's) and running the AC. The forecast is for 2 more days of it before we have a cool down. It will be September then...wow- the days fly by.
Sunday, August 29
Work and a rockpile
Butch and I were 13 hours over this past week. We are trying to go the other way and work less hours not more but it isn't working out. Butch mowed greens yesterday morning and it was the first trouble free day of mowing greens that he has had. The weather was beautiful, the mower worked properly and everything went like clockwork.
After he finished mowing we walked to Hillman for breakfast. Stopped at Dollar General on the way back to see if they had horseradish. They didn't so we bought cookies instead.
Not totally Butch's fault this time. Butch said I think I am getting thicker through my middle because my pants are rolling over top my belt. I said uh,huh-that is why I wear my shirts over top my pants and have since I was 10. Butch weighed a skinny 135 when we got married and the list of things he would not eat was 3 times as long as it is now. And it isn't a short list even now!
But that worked for him in a way. Maybe I need to be a pickier eater. I like everything!!
As you can probably tell we haven't done a bunch of exciting stuff lately.
I went to the reservoir, a former gravel pit and did some rock hunting. That was fun and the fossils abound there. It does not take long to spot one. There are an abundance of Horn Coral fossils as I have found plenty of those and quickly.
It reminds me of a Ropa experience, sitting in a pile of rocks and looking them over, keeping the good ones and discarding the ordinary ones.
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