One of the disadvantages to the lifestyle we lead is that we make really good friends all over the country and even with the Internet it is still a challenge to stay an active part in all our friends lives. Someones name will pop in my head and I will think,"My, it has been a really long time since I have heard from them. I wonder how things are with them." I have the intention of sending them a personal email or a phone call but then the hustle and bustle of a busy life gets in the way. I know this happens for them as well. I am not complaining. I know those friends are out there and that we could pick up that friendship at the drop of a hat but this morning I want all of you to know that you are in our thoughts and more than you might imagine. When Butch and I go on our walk during our conversation a name will come up and we will reminisce about our friendship or a funny incident that happened with them.
And sometimes I slip up and miss Bev Gundersons was yesterday. Sorry Bev...but I did think of you!
I guess that is my point this morning. We do care...and we do remember.
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