Saturday, September 9

Friday's Photos

Painted Ladies...

And Bailey Starr (Mickey's puppy)

Updated face

All is well with my face. Still looks a bit rough but sure looks and feels much better to me.
I have a lump that I now call my unicorn horn that the surgeon says will go away in 3-4 months. I told him that he got my unicorn horn a little off center. Where the actual cut was made and cancer removed looks very well and you will soon not be able to see where it was.
Today's photos:

Looks much better with my glasses on.

Thursday's ride

Added note: I started this post below in a timely manner but then promptly forgot that I had not finished it. My friend Colleen is in Jefferson for a few days and staying in our motorhome. So great to see her and walk the trail with her again. She lives in Punta Gorda FL but has been visiting her daughter in Cincinnati and is quite fortunate in that with the hurricane bearing down on her home. At this writing, we do not know the outcome and she is not sure if she will have a home to go back to.

I have noticed on more than one occasion that if I stop and just stand for about 5 minutes and look all around me that there is always a plethora of things to see that you miss when you are riding like the wind. I saw a mink cross the path today. He would not pose for a pic. Darn it.

These butterflies have almost taken over the bike trail. They are not Monarchs. I am not sure what they are but I do know there are a LOT of them.

This vine is draped over an old tree stump. I would be glad to know what they are too.

Tuesday, September 5

Redheaded woodpecker

Surgery pic

I was asked why there was not a picture on the blog of the surgical procedure done to my face last Friday.
This is why.

Sunday, September 3

The Elusive Butterfly

Butterflies can be hard to catch in a photo. I watched this Monarch settle down on this leaf and settle in for a rest. So with my new camera, I was able to sit safely at my computer and hone in on him.

The story on the golden stem below is that I was on the bike trail with phone not camera and the sun was highlighting the golden stem with a spotlight. I could not resist and used my phone camera to capture it.

More like myself.

I am back to feeling more like myself today. I do not look like it because my eye is black. I was told it would be. The woodiness of my face is dissipating but not yet completely gone.
                                           Day 3

Butch at the same time is having a root canal episode. Went to the dentist on Thursday, was told he had an infection in it but he (dentist) failed to give him a script for antibiotics so now he is suffering till Tuesday. In my far distant past, I have had similar episodes so I know what kind of pain he is in.
 Taking care of your teeth is a lesson hard to learn for some.Smileycons!