And as the first days, when a bit of cool sets in, we also start thinking of the things needed to be done before fall. It is totally a "Getting Ready for the Next Season Month".
Butch has talked of getting his carpal tunnel fixed for a couple of years now and yesterday was the first of two. When the second one will be done is still being speculated. His left was worse than the right so went there first. He also had a couple of trigger finger releases done at the same time. We were asked to be in Ames by eleven and we were. We left town at 2:45 PM headed for home. Things have become so much easier these days.
He cannot drive so I have that duty until he gets the okay from the doctor. We go back Tuesday to get the stitches out. He is having a bit of trouble with my driving but I told him early on to back off and I would get him home. He was slightly sedated at the time so we will excuse him this time.
To be fair, I have not driven much in the last 10 or so years. I doubt it would take much to polish my skills and I am aware they need a bit of polishing.
On the other hand, I do not care if I drive or not. So it is all good for the minute. We will not be taking any extended trips until he has the word from the doctor that it is okay.
To back-peddle a bit, Mickey hosted a gathering of the Deja Vu group last Wednesday evening for Green Chile Burritos. It was a great time. We enjoy each others company as much or more now than when we were kids.
This morning was a walk day and Keri went with me. The company makes the walk seem so much faster. We spotted 4 deer, all at the same time and location. It was very close to town in a tree-covered area. They went single file across the trail in front of us-2 young deer followed by two really young deer still sporting their spots. That was the highlight of the walk on this cloudy morning.