It is a boondoggle and very staged performance. What a crock and for not one good reason. But I digress.
We headed down about 9:00 AM and smoothly crossed the border after paying our $1 per person in the turnstile. We walked in but then we always do. We parted company with Dave and Liz because they were headed for teeth cleaning at the dentist followed by a pedicure. Butch and I slowly made our way down to visit with our favorite pharmacist, Hector. I had emailed him with the main things we wanted. If I had only known I could and will in the future email him my entire list and he will have it ready for me. After getting the meds we slowly made our way back up the busy street to El Disco where we planned to meet back up with Dave and Liz and we did, then we backed up and ate lunch at the Red Snapper. It was quite tasty and will do that again...maybe. After that, we went to Jessica's for a drink and some dancing.

When we came over the bridge at 9:00 AM we had noticed there were cars lined up completely through town as far as the eye could see. We were told some people have had to wait sometimes as long as 12 hours to get back to the US. This is completely ridiculous!
Now when we walked over the bridge, foot traffic was light and almost non-existent compared to car traffic but when we returned they were stopping ALL return traffic because of a "Drill". They told us there would be loud noises and smoke but all of it was completely harmless to us and it was part of training. I did not know how long it held us up but it was obvious it was all a staged production. And holding up people in 95-degree heat for this was beyond stupid.
Much more of this will slow tourist traffic to a trickle. In fact, it already has. There were not many Winter Texans among the people in Nuevo Progresso on this beautiful Spring day.
Butch and I have always walked a block west to go down to Hectors because it gets us away from heavy foot traffic on the main street. We have always been greeted warmly by the locals. That is done. When we would say hello to people we met it was not returned. They looked grim and would not look at us. We were snubbed and the way 'we' (our unruly ruler) has been treating our neighbors to the south I cannot blame them. Respect is earned, not given and we as a nation and a people have lost respect. It may never be regained.
I hope things are much improved when we return and we can once again have a happy experience with our neighbors to the south.