Wednesday, March 26

Medical news

 Overactive: It seems I have an overactive bladder. All of my tests come out with likeable results so the Doc says I am A/OK except for that overactive business. Yes, there is a med for it and yes, I am taking it.  I am having slightly good results with it so far. It upsets my gut a bit. End of story...I hope.

Today we see the cardiologist for Butch. This is a day we have been looking forward to. We have lots of questions. We hope to have answers.

Results of appt. He is doing well, and they will take him off the Brilinta 90 mg, which costs $429 a month with insurance, however, he will then be taking 3 new ones, and we do not know the cost yet. So the med thing is a bit of a deal to be figured out but all the rest of it is good. So I guess if we look at it as a way to make the next 10 years or so good years then it takes on more importance and makes it well worth the cost.

Now seems like a good time for a nap!

Tuesday, March 25

Jason's Latest Yard Art

You can see Jason's latest artistic endeavor on YouTube. At least I hope you can. It has been quite awhile since I have downloaded a video to Youtube. I was actually surprised I got it done!

Sunday, March 23

How are we?

 Really...Butch has been sleeping a lot-8+ hours at night and perhaps a nap or two during the day. He recognizes this as not at all normal for him. He has an appointment with the cardiologist on the 26th. We have a list of questions. However this morning we saw an update on Pope Francis. They said he had pneumonia in both lungs in late February and is now home but not expected to do his full duties for two more months. Butch will be 84 in June. The Pope is 88. Butch had pneumonia in both lungs, a heart situation, and AFIB. My assessment is that he should be easy on himself as he is still healing.

I am a different story. I am on my 3rd round of antibiotics for UTI's. I would like it to be my last. Yesterday was a rough day because I had a recurring episode of the same old pain and I am supposed to be getting better, not backsliding. Needless to say, it put me down in the dumps. Throughout this ordeal, it has always felt worse when I was in bed and I have spent a few nights sleeping in the recliner where I was slightly more comfortable. Early this morning I woke up in pain, passed some gas, and felt much better immediately! This may be a clue to a different path. I have an appointment in the morning with my doctor. I have some questions to be sure. So I currently cannot say where I am as far as my health is concerned. Currently, I am feeling much better than I did yesterday and hopefully will continue to feel much better tomorrow!

Other than the above we are doing okay. We are still playing pool and yesterday, Butch and his poolplaying buddy Paul Kelleher played golf for the first time in a long while. We are both ready to put these episodes behind us and get on with our life. I can see this goal. We are just short of it but not by much.😵‍💫