Saturday, June 21
This and that

Friday, June 20
Thursday, June 19
This mornings ride
Quite a day on the trail. First off a raccoon crossed my path headed for the backyard of a Jefferson resident. A rabbit was a few feet from the raccoon. Neither were concerned. I rang my little bell on my bike and he quickly waddled away from me. The rabbit hopped off the bunny trail.
When I arrived at the bridge I was surprised how high the water was up. I took a few photos. The sound and the rushing water bothered me a bit so I walked my bike back across the bridge. I turned to look back wondering if there might be a biker. It is hard to hear approaching people either on bikes or on foot. The trail is a quiet place. There stood a deer! She was in the shade so getting a picture would have been difficult on several levels. So I went on my way.
When I arrived at the bridge I was surprised how high the water was up. I took a few photos. The sound and the rushing water bothered me a bit so I walked my bike back across the bridge. I turned to look back wondering if there might be a biker. It is hard to hear approaching people either on bikes or on foot. The trail is a quiet place. There stood a deer! She was in the shade so getting a picture would have been difficult on several levels. So I went on my way.
Wednesday, June 18
Hands and Mower
Butch had an appointment with a hand man today. He has had trouble gripping and drops things frequently. He thought it was carpal tunnel. The hand guy doesn't think so. He says he thinks it is tendonitis so first we will try treatment for that. He had steroid shots in both hands. It hurt much worse in the hand that has been bothering him most. (left)
After that we stopped by Jason's to "look" at his mower. 2 hours later we left. Jason has a nice mower despite the fact it is going to take much fixing to get it just so. Jason can do it-no problem. It is a Cub Cadet.
There is more but I won't go into it. Suffice it to say I had not had my morning coffee or breakfast.
After that we stopped by Jason's to "look" at his mower. 2 hours later we left. Jason has a nice mower despite the fact it is going to take much fixing to get it just so. Jason can do it-no problem. It is a Cub Cadet.
There is more but I won't go into it. Suffice it to say I had not had my morning coffee or breakfast.
Tuesday, June 17
On a lighter note.
My friend Colleen is home! We had our first walk this morning against a pretty stiff wind. It is great to have her back so now my walk will seem so much shorter and informative. We have much to catch up on.
No more progress on the room but Butch has been in touch with Russ and he said maybe next weekend.
Butch is off to the golf course. We had a windstorm last night with much rain. He checked the rain gauge before he left and there was 2 inches in it.
We may go to the lumber yard and pick out windows when Butch gets back.
No more progress on the room but Butch has been in touch with Russ and he said maybe next weekend.
Butch is off to the golf course. We had a windstorm last night with much rain. He checked the rain gauge before he left and there was 2 inches in it.
We may go to the lumber yard and pick out windows when Butch gets back.
Strange Things Happen!
Sunday night I rolled out of bed at 12:15 AM to make a bathroom trip and looking out the front door I spotted 3 garbage cans sitting behind our car. They were not ours and it was not garbage pick-up day. I hollered at Butch and woke him up. Meanwhile in the backyard there are people with flashlights wandering around, looking under our locked motorhome. Butch turned on our outside lights and that did not concern them at all so he opened the window and yelled,"What the H--- are you doing?!!". They said looking for a cat. I look again and the garbage cans are gone. Never did find out what that was about. They had an 8 year old with them. Supposedly his cat. I called the cops and they came by with their spotlight. Strange, very strange. There is something wacky with our neighbors to the south. It is a house of men. 3? 4? Not sure. Sometimes there are kids there. Rarely a car. Rarely a woman. They are nocturnal. It is always all closed up. No window is ever open and you cannot see inside anywhere. AC is always running. Weird. In the light of day they are friendly and will visit if asked but still very odd.
It took me two hours to get back to sleep!!
It took me two hours to get back to sleep!!
Sunday, June 15
A Special Fathers Day
Yesterday was the 2014 Belltower Festival and one of my classmates was the Grand Marshall- Dr. Jim Hanson. He and his wife Elizabeth hosted a party at his house and we were invited. It was a big fancy tado-catered-open bar etc.
Butch and I were eating at a table and some "older folks" joined us and we began talking. The Brooker name is well known in Jefferson so all those connections were acknowledged and then a fellow asked me my maiden name and where I came from. I said I am from Jefferson but my family hasn't been here for many years. My maiden name was B-R-O-C-K. He said, "Francis Brock?". I said yes, Francis was my father. He said he knew him and remembered him very well! My dad died in 1956 at the age of 33 so this gave me goosebumps I kid you not! He shared a story about my dad working at a hamburger joint. It was named 4 Star or something like that. Open 24 hours. He was training a new employee one night and stepped out for a break. I am guessing a cigarette break. A customer came in and ordered 5 hamburgers and it flustered the new guy. As he was slicing open the buns he cut into his hand and there was blood all over the place but when my dad came back he was cool as a cucumber and handled it all seamlessly. It was a special treat for me to run into someone who knew and remembered my dad.
Bob Owen remembered my Dad:
Here is a picture of my dad, Francis Brock.
Butch and I were eating at a table and some "older folks" joined us and we began talking. The Brooker name is well known in Jefferson so all those connections were acknowledged and then a fellow asked me my maiden name and where I came from. I said I am from Jefferson but my family hasn't been here for many years. My maiden name was B-R-O-C-K. He said, "Francis Brock?". I said yes, Francis was my father. He said he knew him and remembered him very well! My dad died in 1956 at the age of 33 so this gave me goosebumps I kid you not! He shared a story about my dad working at a hamburger joint. It was named 4 Star or something like that. Open 24 hours. He was training a new employee one night and stepped out for a break. I am guessing a cigarette break. A customer came in and ordered 5 hamburgers and it flustered the new guy. As he was slicing open the buns he cut into his hand and there was blood all over the place but when my dad came back he was cool as a cucumber and handled it all seamlessly. It was a special treat for me to run into someone who knew and remembered my dad.
Bob Owen remembered my Dad:
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