Saturday, November 13
I am not going to organize any protests or even participate in one but the following article does go along with my thinking.:-) INTERNATIONAL BUY NOTHING DAY
November 26th, 2004
It's no coincidence that Buy Nothing Day is scheduled
for the day following the Thanksgiving holiday in the
USA -- the single biggest shopping day of the year!
Buy Nothing Day is part of a worldwide anti-consumerism
campaign, started in 1992 in Canada. Since then Buy
Nothing Day has spread throughout the world. There are
groups now in Canada, U.S.A., England, Ireland, The
Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia. You are invited
to join them!
There are a large variety of often-times humorous actions
people throughout the world are planning for Buy Nothing
Day. One example is creating shopping-free zones in
busy shopping areas by putting sofas, tables, carpets,
lamps, etc., filled with people with their slippered feet up
reading books or the newspaper -- and just generally not
Many people choose to actively stay home, purposefully
avoiding the malls and all shopping -- spending time with
their families and enjoying life's simple pleasures.
The following are a few ideas from the official Buy Nothing
Day web-page:
1) 2004 "Buy Nothing Day" poster -- copy this year's
poster and post it around town. It can be printed out
straight from your browser window. [Poster can be found
at the Buy Nothing Day web-page URL listed below.]
2) Perform Street Theatre. Grab a few friends and go to
your local shopping mall or plaza and act out a play. Or
perform a little ditty. Or pass out pamphlets. Use your
imagination and creativity to get the message across.
3) Stage a credit card cut-up. What is the balance on
YOUR credit card? Maxed out? Here's a way to wipe
your credit card clean, and, according to a group of folks
in Seattle, all you need is a pair of scissors.
4) Give "Christmas Gift Exemption Vouchers." Instead
of spending their Christmas Eve trawling through the mall
in a panic looking for token gifts you don't even need,
encourage your friends and loved ones to spend time
WITH you, not money ON you. Present them with the
voucher, which exempts them from buying you Christmas
presents conditional on them spending quality time with
you instead.
For further information about Buy Nothing Day, go to the
AdBusters web-page at:
November 26th, 2004
It's no coincidence that Buy Nothing Day is scheduled
for the day following the Thanksgiving holiday in the
USA -- the single biggest shopping day of the year!
Buy Nothing Day is part of a worldwide anti-consumerism
campaign, started in 1992 in Canada. Since then Buy
Nothing Day has spread throughout the world. There are
groups now in Canada, U.S.A., England, Ireland, The
Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia. You are invited
to join them!
There are a large variety of often-times humorous actions
people throughout the world are planning for Buy Nothing
Day. One example is creating shopping-free zones in
busy shopping areas by putting sofas, tables, carpets,
lamps, etc., filled with people with their slippered feet up
reading books or the newspaper -- and just generally not
Many people choose to actively stay home, purposefully
avoiding the malls and all shopping -- spending time with
their families and enjoying life's simple pleasures.
The following are a few ideas from the official Buy Nothing
Day web-page:
1) 2004 "Buy Nothing Day" poster -- copy this year's
poster and post it around town. It can be printed out
straight from your browser window. [Poster can be found
at the Buy Nothing Day web-page URL listed below.]
2) Perform Street Theatre. Grab a few friends and go to
your local shopping mall or plaza and act out a play. Or
perform a little ditty. Or pass out pamphlets. Use your
imagination and creativity to get the message across.
3) Stage a credit card cut-up. What is the balance on
YOUR credit card? Maxed out? Here's a way to wipe
your credit card clean, and, according to a group of folks
in Seattle, all you need is a pair of scissors.
4) Give "Christmas Gift Exemption Vouchers." Instead
of spending their Christmas Eve trawling through the mall
in a panic looking for token gifts you don't even need,
encourage your friends and loved ones to spend time
WITH you, not money ON you. Present them with the
voucher, which exempts them from buying you Christmas
presents conditional on them spending quality time with
you instead.
For further information about Buy Nothing Day, go to the
AdBusters web-page at:

Friday, November 12
We haven't told everyone about the bullet hole yet....:-) When we were looking at motorhomes we noticed a couple...ours being one of them... that had some damage. It appeared to be vandalism. The damage noticed on ours was a hole in the bedroom wall and sliding door. My first thought was someone poked a screwdriver through it. Thought it was awful of someone to do that but then that does seem to be the way it is these days. But that wasn't the case at all! Four un its suffered bullet hole damage! There is an overpass not far from the dealership and apparently they took potshots at brand new motorhomes and hit four of them. The damage has been taken care of on ours...or at least it soon will be. You can be sure that Butch will show everyone where the damage has been repaired and covered up with a small American flag on the back of our RV ( Residential Vehicle).

I hate this ugly fat face pic but here it is with the bridge between the two motorhomes. At the time this was taken we were just getting started. It started raining this night (Wednesday 11/10) and rained throughout the next day. So we got a good start and then took a break for a day. We finished today!! Hurrah Hurrah! 

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