Sunday, June 1

First Day of work

Butch and I finished our first day of work today. We are both tired tonight. Not used to putting in 8 hours of honest work. We will get used to it soon. Some things have changed and it is all about getting the routine down again. Once we do that it will be smooth sailing.
Yesterday we walked up to the least we intended to. It was muddy, snowy and slick in spots. We had been told you couldn't go all the way up because of a snow melt filled stream and beaver ponds. We did plan to go as far as we could but gave up short of that goal. We did walk far enough to give both of us sore calf muscles. We saw moose, deer and "large kitty" prints in the mud. None were fresh.
I am doing much better with the altitude this year.
I will be doing more posting on the so may want to check in on that one too.