Saturday, December 21

Women's League

Women's Pool League in the Rio Grande Valley. Front row left is Barb B. Barb U. is behind me peaking around and Renie S. is far right.

There are 7 two-person teams representing 7 parks in the valley. We could use one more team to even things out. We did okay for being newbies. Played 6 games in all and won 3.

Friday, December 20

Sharon and Camden

This pic makes me smile!
This is a picture of our friend, Sharon Mcquillen with her great-grandson Camden.

Thursday, December 19

Womens league play.

 Barb Utech, Renie Stinson and I went to Magic Valley Resort to play in the women's league. Barb Utech and I played Alamo Palms the first 3 games and we won 2 of the 3. Renie and I played the second 3 games and won 1 against Alamo Rose. This was a double session because of the holidays. Normally we would play 5 games against another park. The scoring is different for us too. The winning team gets 10 points while the losing team gets the balls that they were able to get off the table, as little as 0 at most 7. I played well and that is my way of being happy with the outcome. For me, the score is secondary to how I played.

We play each week on Wednesdays in different parks. Trophy will be hosting on Wednesday, February 5th.

We had a good time and feel as though we could hold our own with the women who have been playing for decades.