Thursday, July 8

Buzzards ETC.

 Here is today's photos. I think I shot some keepers! I took my good camera with me for the sole purpose of getting good pics of the buzzards and they didn't disappoint.

My method for wildlife has always been to get shots as I first see them and then work my way closer.

Different bird here. It is wing drying day.

 This one liked being higher.

Greene County Fair is taking place this week.

And there is always good shots in my own backyard!

Wednesday, July 7

Clara D.

 I had an interesting conversation this past weekend. I told Clara I was glad I got to visit with her as it allowed me to get to know her better. And I thought she was a fun girl. Are you? She said, "Yes, but sometimes I am cranky." I asked what she might be cranky about. 

Her answer threw me for a loop. She said, "I had a baby and I lost it and that makes me cranky sometimes."

 I do not know how long ago this event took place but it is clear that it is still on her mind!

The baby was a doll and Clara is 4. She obviously still loves that lost doll.

Tuesday, July 6

New Clothes Dryer

 When we built the Pool Hall I lost my clothesline. I had become lazy and not used it much even before we got rid of it. It was in a low, grassy part of the backyard and a bit soggy when it rains. Sometimes more than a bit, like underwater... Well, back to the present. I like having a clothesline for RVing Guests too. So this morning I suggested a new retractable clothesline and we were able to agree on type and location. Lickety-split Butch went to the hardware store and bought one and I got clothes sorted and in the wash. Walah!

I am loving the location because even if it rains I can stand on the sidewalk and put up or take down clothes.

Pool Halls maiden voyage July 4th

 We had a long-awaited gathering in the Pool Hall on Sunday with 15 attendees, mostly our Deju Vu group. For those of you who do not know or may have forgotten our Deja Vu Group are mainly people who grew up in Jefferson and returned in retirement to live here. (Jefferson Iowa) It is an open group and we include any and all others too but you must know that good old-days stories may be revisited so you might have to sit through them and be a bit lost for a few minutes. 

The party was a success and we do look forward to the next event. Not all attendees are pictured...

Larry Jackson, Mickey (Sanders) Starr, and Pete Barrett. Butch is in the background looking for a snack.

The one below is my favorite as we were laughing about something. Those are always my favorite times!
Jan (Durlam) Mitchell, Sharon (Jansma)McQuillen, Jerrilyn (Roberts) Denman, Pat (Limburg) Rusnak and Sue (Durlam) Lucht

Larry, Butch's back, Barb Veenstra, Pete and Jan M. in the foreground.

An event soon to be scheduled will be a Trivia Night. I must get back in the groove as it will be on the agenda in South Texas next winter.