Friends Dave and Marge Scott sent the following message about the flower pic. I didn't have time to relate the whole story yesterday. There are many flowers in bloom along the bike trail and this Wild Bergamot is one of them. I have always liked to find out the names of flowers. On a ride last week I noticed that the trail was abundantly abloom but I didn't have my camera with me so I decided to ride again the next day with the specific purpose of photographing the flowers as I happened upon them. The mower beat me to most of them but I did manage to get a few good ones.
" Marge looked the plant up and it is a BEEBALM, also called Wild Bergamot, Oswego Tea, Horse mint. They vary in color from scarlet red to Pale Lavender. Many different types mostly native. Some brought from Europe. Indians and earlier settlers brewed a medicinal tea from the leaves."