Gary and Susan both have Covid. Susan is not well but not having as difficult a time as Gary. He has always had a great deal of stamina throughout his life and we are hanging our hat on that and hoping it is enough. He is on Day 9. From what others have told me Days 9/10 are the turning points. He is uppermost in both our minds so...till next time.
Later this morning: He is feeling well enough to eat a little and both of them are monitoring their blood oxygen levels and temperatures. So it is a make it through the day kind of thing and that is happening so we have to take our positives where we can find them. Susan has lost her sense of taste and smell. That seems to be something that happens. Laura's son Michael lost his taste and smell for 3 months. We don't realize what a joy they are until they are gone. Think about it! How much fun would eating be if everything tasted like cardboard!