We enjoyed an indoor picnic at Roxy and Larry's last night along with other Canyon Lake friends.

Lou Nelson headed for Roxy and Larry's front door. Roxy told me later that this bridge was not her idea for an entry but due to rock and other obstacles this was the solution. She has grown to like it. I thought it was cool.

Lou and Sharon visit in the kitchen. This group are people we met at Snow Mountain Ranch YMCA of the Rockies in the years we volunteered there. Some of them continue to volunteer there.

A view from the McGough's solarium. This house is built on what some might call a mountain. At the very least it could be described as a canyon ridge.

The lake can be seen in the distance in this shot.

Lisa and Sharon share a couch.

Sarita is from Bolivia. She worked in IT with Terry Linder while at Snow Mountain and became friends with the Linders. She has been here visiting with them since August and will be returning to Bolivia next month. We had some interesting conversations last night about her life in Bolivia. I asked her when the last war was in Bolivia and she was not sure but after some thought decided it had to be for their independence in 1825. I looked it up and that is correct.
Someone else asked here what her schooling was like. They go to school either in the morning or afternoon but not both. They start classes in November and I do not remember how long the term was but they do have a break. Schooling is strict and they are required to be meticulous with their tablets and books. All boys are required to do 5 years of military training and girls are required to do one year. Since it was so long since Bolivia has had a war we asked why are they required to have military training. It is for readiness.
Her mother taught her to knit very young. She was a high energy girl and her mother wanted to keep her occupied because she was always bothering her about what she could do. Knitting kept her hands occupied and her mind focused.
The Linders have enjoyed having her here and hope she can come back soon.
Roxy and Larry have a pool table in their basement so the guys went down and played for a bit. I went down later and played a couple of games. I think Butch got the fever.
It was a fun night and the conversation was interesting.