Long time -No blog:-( We have been very busy sorting and sifting getting ready for a double auction. First my mothers estate auction along with our downsizing auction. With hindsight I have rather enjoyed the whole process. It is very much like a treasure hunt and some of the "finds" are downright amazing.
Among my mothers things I ran across letters to and from my grandparents. They affected me in numerous ways. I never knew my grandfather as my mother was only three when he passed away. I now feel I know him at least a little. The letters reflected anxiety, worry, love, hope and views of everyday life in 1926 and they have stayed with me. I have typed them off the pencil written pages and preserved the misspellings and punctuation as much as possible.
I am sharing them with you all.
John Zimmerle, 47 years of age, was in the hospital in Iowa City Iowa where they were determining what was ailing him. John was my grandfather. His youngest daughter, Fern, referred to as Sissie or Sister was my mother. John and Myrtle had seven children, Mae, Ray, Phillip, Vivian, Harold, Jack and Fern. Mae was grown and gone by the time John was hospitalized. John was a barber and worked in Cooper and Herndon Iowa.
Letter written on October 28th,1926 from John Zimmerle to his wife Myrtle.
Well Mom,
I don't know why you don't write. I wrote to you Monday morning. It is hard for me to write. Can't see very good. I haven't had a dose of medicine yet. You write to Mother and all the rest of the folks for me. I can't hardly do it. Did you get my first letter? I lost my money Sunday. Only had 85 cents left. This is two stamps and envelopes I have borrowed. I don't need very much money. I haven't had a smoke since Sunday morning. I haven't been out of bed yet. This is Thursday about 5 o'clock so you can tell how long it takes to get a letter to you. I guess about once a week will be all I will write. Tell Sister and Jackie I said Helow. Well supper is coming. I will close at this time.
from dady
You adr my letters in care of the hospital.
From John Zimmerle to his wife and familyNovember 4th, 1926
Well Mom,
This is Thursday night and I haven't heard a word from you yet. I have done all I can to trace your letters but can't find them. I don't know if you are getting the letters I am writing or not. This is the forth one. I got here OK. Am doing fine but I don't believe they are helping me any yet. I haven't taken a dose of med (medicine) yet. I have had lots of exams and one ex-ray taken. They won't let me get out of bed yet. I haven't had a smoke yet but am getting along chewing tob (tobacco) now. I have written to you so often without getting any word I don't know what to write anymore.
You be shure to write. Start me a letter Monday morning and I will get it Tuesday at the 10:30 delivery. Adress this one to John Zimmerle in care of the University Hospital Iowa City.
From Myrtle Zimmerle to her husband John
Herndon Iowa
November 5th, 1926
Dear Dady,
Will answer your letter. We are all well. I have answered all your letters. I suppose you got the dollar I sent you. Let me know if you didn't. Grandma said she would send you some money before long. I had to send Grandma's check back. She never signed it. Well, I hope they find out pretty soon what is the matter with you. I think when they do they can help you.
Ray hasn't went to shuck corn. I don't think Doc wants him but Hermie Hucheson was after him or Phil so I guess he will go there. Nobody husked much this week as we had quite a snowstorm. They tell me lots of them haven't started to husk corn yet. Ray has been busy most of the time. Samuelson gave him another $7.50 check and he still has $3.30 coming. The boys hauled 2 loads of cobs. I want them to get some more yet.
I got a letter from Mae. She said she was awfully surprised to hear about you and was sorry she got mad at you and to tell you she was going south and would send me her add. She sent that box. It was broke open and I think some of the stuff was gone. You got 2 pairs of lyle (?) socks, the boys 3 pair of socks apiece, the others stockings. Mine and Vivians was white silk. Me and V. a pair of new slippers. Mine was too small. Me 2 new dresses. 3 new suits of underwear for Phil. A new cap-Phil got it. Harold a waist. Sister a dress. A lot of ink tablets to make ink. Quite a bunch of raisins. They were all spilled and 2/3 of them gone. 13 candy bars. 7 lead pencils. I guess thats about all. Well I guess I will ring off so
answer soon
P S Grandma will write you. When she does write her a few lines. Sister says dady went to JoMakeO. The other night she yelled goodnight Dada then shook her head. Jack is always crazy when we get a letter from you. Otherwise he doesn't say much.
From Myrtle Zimmerle to her husband John
Herndon Iowa
November 8th, 1926
Dear Dady,
Will answer your letter. We are all well. This makes four letters I have wrote. I am going to send this by special delivery. If you get this write to me your ward number then I think you will get your mail. It's an awful bad day. I think I got all your letters. I sent you a $1 in one. Well I am in a hurry and will close. If you get this I can write more.
From John's Mother
November 9th, 1926
Dear Son,
Will write a few lines. I haven't been very well. Had to get medicine from the Doc last week but am better. I am working all the time. I do hope you are feeling lots better. How do you like it out there? Fine, I hope. Hope you get good care and of course I suppose you do. Please write to me and let me know how you are. You know I am anxious about you. Got a letter from Myrtle. Folks was well. Not much to write. Don't go much. So will close. Write soon.
From Mother
Will send a dollar and if you want money anytime, just let me know. Goodby
Wednesday morning- The ground is white with snow and still snowing.
From John Zimmerle to his wife and family
November 9th, 1926
Dear Mom and all,
I got your last two letters. The one you wrote last Friday and the one with special delivery on. I was getting worried here over two weeks before I got any word from home. Tell Ray not to fool with Doc any longer. Get him another job if he can. Well, Mom, I didn't get the money you sent. I wish you would send me a little money but send it in a Post Office order then if I don't get it we can get it back. I can't write to Mother or anybody else until I get a little money. This is 5 stamps I have borrowed and a can of tob (tobacco). That makes 25 cents I have to pay the boys.
You write to Mother and Anna and Louden and tell them my address and tell them if they send me any money to send it in a Post Office order for the banks or no place else will cash a check. You had the address OK on this last letter. It came without any trouble. Well, Mom one of the big guns was here just now and he told me they would be able to get me up on my feet again but not to do a big days work. That makes me feel good now. I am going to have all my teeth taken out and my rupture fixed up. I have already had one operation. That sore on my nose was a cansor. They cut that out last Sat. It is healing now and doing fine. I expect I will be here a month yet anyway. Maby longer. I will have lots of experiences to tell you about when I do get home. O yes, my head nurses home is Bagley (IA). Her brother married Dr. Corn's daughter. Her name is Sailor. Well I guess I will close for this time. Tell Sissie and Jack and all the rest dady said helow and kiss them all for me.
by by from dady
P S Send me a little money but be shure and send it by P. O. order.
From John's Mother
November 14th, 1926
Dear Son John,
Received your letter. Was glad to hear from you and that you was a little better. Do hope this finds you very so much better.
I do hope that place on your face don't cause you no more trouble. I got a letter from Myrtle. She said you was going to have an operation for rupture. Is it absolutely necessary for you to have it done?
I am glad you have good care that will help you out alot.
Well John, don't worry about the county not paying your care for that is why I am working to let you have what money you need. I sent Myrtle a check last week and told her when she needed more to let me know I would send it and if you need more than I send let me know. Myrtle said she sent you a dollar. I will try to get down to the Post Office sometime this week and send you a four dollar order. Whenever you get ready to go home, let me know and I will send the money for your carfare. I will send a clipping out of the Deer Creek (ILL.) paper about Mr. McCans death.
We have been having nice weather but it looks like it would storm this evening. I am well. Will close. Write me. Send letter every week as I am anxious to hear from you.
From your Mother
From John Zimmerle to his wife and family. He died three days later.
November 14th, 1926
Dear Mom and all,
I thought I would write you a few lines today. I am not feeling so good today. My lung is stopped up again. Can't hardly get my breath. The Dr. said I didn't need any med (medicine) for it. He put me back to bed for a week. Well I believe that sore on my nose is getting better. Well there is one thing they have done for me anyway. They tested my eyes and I am to get a pair of glasses. They will be done Monday.
I got a letter from Mother the other day. I answered it the same day. Also wrote to Louden (his brother). Say I had a heck of a time getting that order cashed. You sent an express order instead of a P. O. order. Well I don't know if you can make out this big word or not but it has lots of meaning. Mitros stenosis is the big name for my heart. It means hardening of the valves and leakage of the heart. My liver is enlarged and (dropped?) about 2 inches. That they say causes the soreness in my right side and lung.
Also an ulcer on the point of my liver. That is what that soreness is under my breastbone.
So you can see there is not very much wrong with me.
You write to my Mother and the rest of them and tell them what my trouble is. It is awful hard for me to write. The next time you write tell Jackie and Sissie to write dady a letter to. Well kiss all the kids for me. It is hard for me to say when I will be home as they haven't done anything yet. Well I guess I will close
from dad to all