Butch is at war with the squirrels. At least it isn't me! And here is the reason why. He has now greased the wire and for now it is working.
Thursday, June 30
New Flooring in place
We finally are finished with the flooring project in the motorhome. It has been finished for a few days now and pictures were taken this morning. It was raining (THANK GOD) so I was unable to do my biking. It has quit now so may go in a few minutes.
Table has been sanded and fresh polyurethane applied
Wednesday, June 29
And then we did...
The weeks fly by and melt one into another.
Have I mentioned a lack of deer on the bike trail? Well, they must have been in hiding is all or visiting a different neighborhood because they are back!
Deer are nearly blind so they either hear you or detect movement so when I spot one I stop. and then I inch closer to get as close as possible for a photo.
Got some great shots a couple of days ago.
My turn around spot. Corn is growing despite a lack of rain. My bike is about 30 years old and I still love it. Have pedalled many a mile on my Raleigh. 42.7 miles just this past week. 6.1 miles each day.
Bucolic scene. The next day after taking this photo one of the cows was along the trail. I rode right by and it wasn't disturbed at all. Kept on chewing its cud.
A half-grown rabbit made its way to the bird seed. Butch didn't think she would eat the seeds but she crunched away happily.
Have I mentioned a lack of deer on the bike trail? Well, they must have been in hiding is all or visiting a different neighborhood because they are back!
Deer are nearly blind so they either hear you or detect movement so when I spot one I stop. and then I inch closer to get as close as possible for a photo.
Got some great shots a couple of days ago.
My turn around spot. Corn is growing despite a lack of rain. My bike is about 30 years old and I still love it. Have pedalled many a mile on my Raleigh. 42.7 miles just this past week. 6.1 miles each day.

A half-grown rabbit made its way to the bird seed. Butch didn't think she would eat the seeds but she crunched away happily.
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