Friday, December 5

Cold Front...and REAR

A cold front has made its way all the way down to sunny south Texas and I am about to freeze my hiney off!! They predicted a high of 57 today but it hasn't moved off 47 since I have been watching. I just hiked the furnace up a couple of degrees because I am a shiverin' big time!! We have one more cold day to get through and then it is supposed to be back in the 70's on Sunday.
Oh yes, it is also drizzly. grumble, grumble. I know I will get NO sympathy from the northern climes but hey!! You guys are accustomed to it.

Thursday, December 4

Babies Everywhere!

Here is a new picture of Baby Ethan. Thanks Nicole and keep those pictures coming.

Stats on Nina

"Nina Grace was born to Ann Fetterman and Anthony Cortes on December 2 at 4:19pm. She weighed 5lbs and 8oz and was 19 inches long. Everyone is doing fine."

Wednesday, December 3


We are warm and comfortable in sunny south Texas. We have a wind warning today. 30-40 mph so golf is probably out of the question. I have been playing on Tuesdays. Mediocre is the word for my game but it is more about the sociability anyway.
They say we have a cold front moving in tomorrow with highs in the 60's. A good time to get started on a baby afghan for new great granddaughter Nina. Mother Ann and baby Nina are pictured above.
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