I have been having a real hoot helping two different people get acquainted with computing and the Internet. I have said many times that when I teach I learn as much or more than the student and that has been genuinely brought to light with helping these two. I have had a Kindle Fire for over a year. I use it to read books. I prefer to do all other things on my computer. But in having to teach someone else it has forced me to know more about my Kindle Fire than I ever intended to know.
The other student will be getting a new lifestyle with a Chromebook. Part of what excites me about both of these people is that at this time they have no idea the wonders that are about to be opened to them.
The other day Butch was grumbling about his computer so the following morning I set him up with my Chromebook. It is so simple, fast and easy and even more so if you are currently a Chrome and google user.
Butch had not been on it long when he says, " How much are these?- $249 He says I think this is what I want for my next computer. He was as impressed with its speed and simplicity as I am. The more I know about it the better I like it.