I cleaned house and it was long over due. I washed bedding and hung it out to dry. Later then I had to rush out to rescue it when I noticed black Texas snow. A sugar cane field was being burned off and when they do that we get drifting black ash. It stains everything it touches. The good news about it is that it smells like cotton candy you get at the fair. There is an upside to everything which brings us around to Thanksgiving. Giving thanks is a habit for me. Cannot say that has always been true but certainly for the last few years. Every day brings so much to be thankful for it cannot even be counted. So take time today to give thanks for all the great food on the table but also for the thousands of other things too. Some of which may not even cross your mind.
Thanks to all who read this. It warms my heart to know you are out there and think enough of us to care what we are doing. I care about you too and if you email me or start your own blog I promise to read it and be thankful for it.