We have arrived in Peculiar. What goes around comes around! We got some maintenance things done on our motor home so we are good to go for awhile. We enjoyed visiting with new friends Harold and Nancy Piepmeier and Allen and Corkey Anglin. So now we are in Peculiar MO and I am excited allover again. We have a WiFi connection here. It says default so I am unsure where the connection is coming from. There is a Flying J about a mile north of us so perhaps it does reach. Anyway....I really don't care where it is coming from just grateful to have it as it is so much faster than our Verizon connection. We will be here for a week before heading into the Northern tundra of Iowa. Till next time...
Tuesday, April 26
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
-- Albert Einstein, scientist
Questions to Ponder
What have I tried recently?
What mistakes am I most proud of?
Monday, April 25
This past weekend we went to Lees Summit MO. Didn't take the motorhome this time...we will do that next weekend. Saturday night we had a pleasant time in Pleasant Hill at the Country Creek theater. They have some topnotch performers with topnotch performances. It was a fantastic three hour show. Today we are back in Carthage. After breakfast this morning we went to the Jasper County Courthouse. They have some interesting museum displays. The building itself is a museum piece. And now we are back in our cozy little abode waiting out a rainy Spring day watching Jack Nicholson movies.