Saturday, February 4

This is February in South Texas

Butch brought me a cold from the pool hall again. I am not thankful. We are both going to live through a very unpleasant few days.

I purchased a new camera. It is an upgrade to my Fuji and this time I have a Nikon Super Zoom S9000. A friend of mine here in the park has one and I have been very impressed with her pictures. The phone pictures are fine but the quality is lacking. My photography hobby has been life long but in my youth it was outside my budget as film and developing and a quality camera were too costly. Besides that, every time I read anything about camera settings and lenses my eyes would glaze over. If you start firing numbers at me my mind goes into rejection mode.
Here is a link to the camera I purchased. There is a learning curve to this camera but these days there is to everything with the least bit of technology.

Wednesday, February 1

6th grade Barbie Brock


100th day!

Here is a conversation between me and my granddaughter Amanda about her daughter Elise on Facebook

Barbara Brooker This is a joke, right? Or is this the latest fashion for 6 year olds?
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Amanda Sue It was the 100th day of school so they were supposed to dress up like they are 100 years old. It's hard to tell in the picture but her hair was white too.
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Barbara Brooker Amanda Sue Oh shucks! I thought perhaps fashion was finally catching up with me!LOL
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Amanda Sue Lol, on the 100th day it has. I was not dressed up and got asked if I was 100, so apparently the fashion has caught up with me as well!! 😂
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