Butch found this very ugly, very stinky mushroom in the grass at the Trailrider RV Park in Yale Iowa.
He placed it on the picnic table so I could get a shot of it. He finally had to dispose of it because the smell was so atrocious!
It smelled like very old urine.
We are now at Lake Anita State Park in site #104. Yesterday we went to Atlantic where Butch got a blood draw for his latest PSA test. We will know the result next Thursday but expect it to be zero. Then we both had eye exams and I will be getting new lenses as my vision had decreased. Otherwise we came through that little test unscathed. Then we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant in Atlantic. The China Hut is owned by a chinese family and the quality of the food exceeds others I have been to. Tonight we plan to visit one of the better "up North" Mexican restaurants.
Lots of stuff to catch up on!! Some things just have to wait till you are in the right area.
Till next time...