Sunday we played golf with Laura and Jason. First time I had played since March or April. Butch said I am disgusting...going that long and then playing well. As long as I do not put pressure on myself things seem to work out okay.
I gave Leo and Keri's hanging baskets a major haircut yesterday. It is a good way to give plants that have started looking a little leggy new life. In two weeks time they will look all perky again. While I was watering I noticed a wormy friend in the parsley so I took his picture. It seems they like parsley too. No, I did not remove him and squash him like a bug!
I let Angel out yesterday while I was grooming the hanging baskets and Stubby decided to come into the motorhome. Angel took exception to his presence and kicked some Stubby butt. The fur flew...mostly Stubby's. I do not think I will leave the door open again.
Today we plan to go to friend Mickey's in Clive. Butch will be doing some electrical stuff for her while we visit. Mickey is a friend from childhood that I have stayed in touch with throughout the years. We always seem to be able to pick up where we left off each time we meet. Yesterday I made some creamy cucumbers from Mickey's aunts recipe and they sure were good. So here is the recipe! I also added some dill weed.
Recipe: Cucumber/Onion Dressing 8/26/2008
Category: Side
Author: Mickey's aunt
1 C. Miracle Whip (I used Mayo)
1/2 C. Sugar or Splenda
4 T Apple Cider vinegar
salt to taste
Cucumbers and onions, sliced
Slice Cucumbers and onions. Layer in a dish and lightly salt each layer. Combine
dressing ingredients and pour over cucumber/onion layers. Refrigerate for
several hours before serving.