Butch and I are both from Jefferson Iowa and I have received many emails from numerous people about the Goodyear blimp making a visit to Jefferson. You can also read about it and see pictures at
www.offenburger.com. And it must have flown north-northwest over Rockwell City Iowa when it left Jefferson because my sis Myrla was able to get this picture. The following email is from Lois Brant of Jefferson, a long,long time friend of ours.: "If you would like to see the excitement in Jefferson last week go to
Google and type in Goodyear Blimp Jefferson Iowa lots of articles about the visit. It was a real kick for the town. We could get up close enough to touch it and could talk forever with the crew members. Wonderful experience for all. Limited space for riders (6) so a few people got to make the trip. Free BBQ every night and free donuts in the mornings. And it made a stop at the Homecoming football game.
Small towns do have fun. "