Saturday, January 8
The 'Everyman in the New Year' by Walter Mills is a very well written article in my opinion and since this is my blog and I can pretty much say anything I want to I asked permission and received it to post it on the blog. It is a fairly accurate depiction of how I feel about things...and now you know!
By Walter Mills
Everyman in the New Year
The passing year has been on my mind, as it is about this time every
January. The lists have come out, rating the best and worst of
everything that can be judged. The year's top stories have been ranked
and reviewed. Is the world any better a place at the end of 2004? Did we
make progress, or are we slipping backward?
As a young English major in a southern college, I studied the story of
Everyman, a play performed by traveling actors in town squares and
church yards across 15th century England.
In the old Medieval morality play when Death comes to Everyman to call
him to account, Knowledge volunteers to help - "Everyman, I will go with
thee and be thy guide, in thy most need to go by thy side."
This has been a year when Death has spent a lot of time with Everyman,
on the shores of South Asia, in the cities of Iraq, and on the paths of
hurricanes pummeling the islands of the Caribbean and the American
South. The essential story of Everyman has not changed much over the
past 500 years. For all our technology and our wealth, we are still
subject to blindness and error, and threatened by forces far too large
to control.
This year we have lived through a morality play with a few lessons we
might do well to study. First of these is a lesson in humility. In our
society, arrogance and self-esteem have become virtues. Yet we should
know that we are fragile creatures on the surface of the earth, little
more than fleas on a dog's back. Nothing drove the point home to me more
clearly than the knowledge that the earthquake in the Indian Ocean
shifted the earth's rotation to some small but measurable degree. We are
living on the surface of a geologically active planet, not on a
friendly green ball. Hurricanes pounding the South one after the other
gave a further sense of the power of natural forces over which we have
little control.
We could also use some humility when we assert our power in the world.
As a society we have made numerous mistakes in the past. It is to our
credit that we usually try to correct them. But being rich and powerful
hasn't made us wise, as Everyman also learned. If this year proves
anything, it is that war should be a last resort, and not a first
We once knew the difference between being able and willing to defend
ourselves and making violence the only tool in our bag of diplomacy.
We've lost the distinction in our politics, as we have in our movies and
games, where we enshrine an indiscriminate violence as our first and
only response to opposition. Our children now learn how to blow away
villains on a screen instead of how to organize a sandlot ball game or
game of tag. If we need to project our power in the world, we will gain
more respect by rescuing a million victims of the tsunami. That will
show the world how powerful we are.
Everyman learns that Good Companions and Worldly Goods will not travel
with him as they promise. And Knowledge will only go so far, not beyond
the grave. In the end only Good Deeds, the kindness he has shown in
life, stands with him at the reckoning. This is not the theology I was
taught as a boy when we were told that we would not reach heaven through
good works, but only by faith. But I've come to believe that faith
without action is hollow. We cannot see into each other's hearts. Some
may call themselves born again when their actions show little sign of
In these days when the sun fails to break through the clouds and evening
falls so early, thoughts of the year past and the year ahead come
naturally. The celebrations are over, and like Everyman, we face an
accounting. Have we done good or ill? Is the world a little better
because of our presence? There is still time to show a little kindness,
a new year to record some Good Deeds in the account of our days.
(The above column originally appeared in the Centre Daily Times and is
copyright © 2005 by Walter Mills. All rights reserved worldwide. To
contact Walt, address your emails to ).
By Walter Mills
Everyman in the New Year
The passing year has been on my mind, as it is about this time every
January. The lists have come out, rating the best and worst of
everything that can be judged. The year's top stories have been ranked
and reviewed. Is the world any better a place at the end of 2004? Did we
make progress, or are we slipping backward?
As a young English major in a southern college, I studied the story of
Everyman, a play performed by traveling actors in town squares and
church yards across 15th century England.
In the old Medieval morality play when Death comes to Everyman to call
him to account, Knowledge volunteers to help - "Everyman, I will go with
thee and be thy guide, in thy most need to go by thy side."
This has been a year when Death has spent a lot of time with Everyman,
on the shores of South Asia, in the cities of Iraq, and on the paths of
hurricanes pummeling the islands of the Caribbean and the American
South. The essential story of Everyman has not changed much over the
past 500 years. For all our technology and our wealth, we are still
subject to blindness and error, and threatened by forces far too large
to control.
This year we have lived through a morality play with a few lessons we
might do well to study. First of these is a lesson in humility. In our
society, arrogance and self-esteem have become virtues. Yet we should
know that we are fragile creatures on the surface of the earth, little
more than fleas on a dog's back. Nothing drove the point home to me more
clearly than the knowledge that the earthquake in the Indian Ocean
shifted the earth's rotation to some small but measurable degree. We are
living on the surface of a geologically active planet, not on a
friendly green ball. Hurricanes pounding the South one after the other
gave a further sense of the power of natural forces over which we have
little control.
We could also use some humility when we assert our power in the world.
As a society we have made numerous mistakes in the past. It is to our
credit that we usually try to correct them. But being rich and powerful
hasn't made us wise, as Everyman also learned. If this year proves
anything, it is that war should be a last resort, and not a first
We once knew the difference between being able and willing to defend
ourselves and making violence the only tool in our bag of diplomacy.
We've lost the distinction in our politics, as we have in our movies and
games, where we enshrine an indiscriminate violence as our first and
only response to opposition. Our children now learn how to blow away
villains on a screen instead of how to organize a sandlot ball game or
game of tag. If we need to project our power in the world, we will gain
more respect by rescuing a million victims of the tsunami. That will
show the world how powerful we are.
Everyman learns that Good Companions and Worldly Goods will not travel
with him as they promise. And Knowledge will only go so far, not beyond
the grave. In the end only Good Deeds, the kindness he has shown in
life, stands with him at the reckoning. This is not the theology I was
taught as a boy when we were told that we would not reach heaven through
good works, but only by faith. But I've come to believe that faith
without action is hollow. We cannot see into each other's hearts. Some
may call themselves born again when their actions show little sign of
In these days when the sun fails to break through the clouds and evening
falls so early, thoughts of the year past and the year ahead come
naturally. The celebrations are over, and like Everyman, we face an
accounting. Have we done good or ill? Is the world a little better
because of our presence? There is still time to show a little kindness,
a new year to record some Good Deeds in the account of our days.
(The above column originally appeared in the Centre Daily Times and is
copyright © 2005 by Walter Mills. All rights reserved worldwide. To
contact Walt, address your emails to
Yesterday was not a good day for outdoor activities so we headed west over to Mission TX to track down some friends. We stopped at the BlueBonnet RV Park and took up a few hours of Ed & Gay Hightshoe's time. Butch and Ed were co-workers in Creston now both retired and full timers. Our other potential visits didn't pan out but hopefully we will catch them next time.

Thursday, January 6
We have had a busy week this week. Last night we went to the McAllen Civic Center Auditorium to see the Chinese Acrobats. They were truly amazing and I would like to see them again sometime. Then today we woke up to a drizzly, chilly day so shuffleboard was cancelled
but then we went with friends Dorothy and Vern Wendt to the Newmar Kountry Klub gathering in Edinburg TX at the Echo Hotel. Excellent lunch. Then we went to the Social Security Office so I could get signed up for Social Security. Now you know how old I am.
Then we stopped at Wal Mart for a little shopping. I had a 4:30 PM appointment with Frank for a hair cut. I am trying to get the timing right for the cruise we are going on next week....more about that later. Then I came home and helped a nice lady with her computer. It was a simple little thing with hotmail. Oh yes... I did 3 loads of laundry in between all this. I think I will rest tomorrow. Till next time...
Wednesday, January 5
From son Gary in Lees Summit Missouri: I am one of only 4 crazy people that went ahead and
went to work today. I see you kids are going to stay
in the 80's. I knew we'd get worse while you got
better :-) Jason is getting snow and about 10 degrees
colder than us as usual. Here is our forecast:
Today: Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain. Cold.
High 29F. Winds N at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of precip
90%. About one inch of snow and ice expected.
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with scattered snow flurries
and snow showers. Cold. Low 8F. Winds NW at 10 to 20
mph. Chance of snow 30%.
Tomorrow: Snow flurries in the early morning will give
way to partly cloudy skies during the day. Cold. High
23F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.
went to work today. I see you kids are going to stay
in the 80's. I knew we'd get worse while you got
better :-) Jason is getting snow and about 10 degrees
colder than us as usual. Here is our forecast:
Today: Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain. Cold.
High 29F. Winds N at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of precip
90%. About one inch of snow and ice expected.
Tonight: Mostly cloudy with scattered snow flurries
and snow showers. Cold. Low 8F. Winds NW at 10 to 20
mph. Chance of snow 30%.
Tomorrow: Snow flurries in the early morning will give
way to partly cloudy skies during the day. Cold. High
23F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.
Tuesday, January 4
Butch and I have a friendly competition every day on who can complete the Jigzone Puzzle the fastest. We always do the 48 piece classic. JigZone Puzzle-of-the-day is a free service.
If you'd like to subscribe to the puzzle-of-the-day,
send a Puzzle Postcard, or you want to play more
puzzles you can do so at
If you'd like to subscribe to the puzzle-of-the-day,
send a Puzzle Postcard, or you want to play more
puzzles you can do so at
Monday, January 3
Sunday, January 2
A New Year's Wish For You and Yours
May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your ophthalmologist, your psychiatrist, your cardiologist, your urologist, your proctologist, your gynecologist, your podiatrist, your plumber, and the IRS.
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your love handles, and your stocks never fall, and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count, your weight, and your property assessments never increase.
May you be sensitive to the needs of others and may you create within yourself a balance of your own needs.
May you laugh at yourself and realize if you were supposed to touch your toes while exercising, the Lord would have placed them further up, and may you realize the reason so many people take up jogging is to hear heavy breathing again.
May what you see in the mirror delight you and what others see in you delight them.
May someone love you enough to accept and forgive your faults and be blind to your blemishes, and tell the whole world about your virtues.
May you live in a world at peace, with an awareness of the beauty of every sunset, every flower, every child's smile, and every wonderful astonishing beat of your own heart. If by laughter I can cause you to wipe one tear from your cheek, that is my only reward - the government takes everything else!
Above all, may you continue to smile, may your life be filled with laughter, and may you never forget the words found in the Book of Proverbs, "A gloomy spirit rots the bones; but a merry heart is like good medicine."
"Go dancing!"
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