Saturday, August 13

August 12th and there was still snow on Crater Lake
Crater Lake and more pictures added to Oregon 2 album on webshots.
Butch and I made a day of it and drove to Crater Lake. These falls were one of our last stops for the day. Tokatee Falls. Impressions of Oregon- The most beautiful state I have seen. The tastiest fruits, vegetables and seafood ever. The sizes of fruits and vegetables are impressive. Texas claims to grow things larger but I think Oregon has them beat by a mile. The best tasting sweet corn even in comparison with Iowa!
This is water harnessed for electric generation. It had sprung a leak or two. It is located near Tokatee Falls in the Umpqua National Forest of Oregon.
Butch thought this best captured the color of Crater Lake
Over 8000 ft elevation on Rim Drive

Crater Lake
Crater Lake- Rim Drive opens in early July and closed by snow in September
Crater Lake- one of the most amazing places on earth.

Thursday, August 11

Webshots Oregon 2

Yesterday Joyce, Butch and I went to the Oregon Coast from Florence to Newport. A most beautiful piece of the USA. We ate at Mo's in Newport enjoying the tastiest clam chowder I have ever eaten. You could see the kitchen when you walked in and they had at least 10 large pots of clam chowder on the ready. Butch liked it too.

It was the first time I had seen the Pacific and we had a perfect day for it.

You can see more pictures on the Webshots site.

Sea Lion at Newport OR
A family of Sea Lions
Butch looks as though he is meditating. I doubt it.

Tuesday, August 9

Yesterday afternoon we toured the Monaco plant where they were constructing motorhomes. They do not allow cameras so you will just have to imagine it!;-) It was very interesting but I would rather tour the factory where ours was made but will have to go to Indiana for that tour.

Monday, August 8

Webshots Community - barbie1943's Photo Home Page

More Oregon pictures are at this site.
Webshots Community - barbie1943's Photo Home Page
In addition to their house in Springfield OR, John and Joyce have a beautiful cabin along the MacKenzie River. This view is from the river side. This place is flyfisherman heaven.
A pond along a path at the Belknap Hot Springs Garden

MacKenzie River at Belknap Hot Springs Garden

MacKenzie River at Belknap Hot Springs Garden

Dahlias on the MacKenzie River at Belknap Hot Springs Garden