Thursday, October 10


 If I don't write a post when I think of it, things can surely get out of hand. We have made great strides in getting ready to head South even though it probably does not appear as such. We have our boosters done. Covid and Flu. We have notified the water guys when to come turn off the water. I have our temporary address change taken care of...almost forgot that one! I do have a list to go by but I haven't checked it yet. For those of you who have never been through this process for multiple years, there is a fine line in getting ready. We don't want to get it all done too soon because then you sit here with nothing to do or worse yet you might "undo" and then "redo" a number of times and that is not fun. So we inch along with it and we are Right on Schedule.

Today Butch goes to see the podiatrist and then next week we get our Fall checkup followed by Butch getting another shot in his leg and then we should be done with appointments. This part of the departure has become different as we age.

I have been filling my spare time with beading, and I can safely say my skills are close to what they were 6 or 7 years ago. It is a great outlet for my creative juices. Planning the next project while working on the current one is a common practice for those who do any artistic endeavor.

These are the last 8 rings I have done and the next one is safely on my planning board.