Wednesday we went to the audiologist in Carroll and Butch pays up deciding he likes to hear.
Thursday we went on an early morning trip to my Atlantic Iowa dentist for a bottom plate repair. I really thought it would be an all day deal because it always has been in the past but I suspect he has new whiz-bang equipment and we were only there for an hour. Great fix, good news all around and the price was right. Made an appointment for next July to have my implants cleaned.
We found we had extra time so stopped in on the Gundersons, visited and then went to lunch. After lunch we headed home so Butch could mow.
A couple days ago on our early morning walk I told Colleen I was mildly thinking about a trip but could not think of where I might like to go. She said, Wow! How about Denver, Chicago or Atlanta? I said, That is where we differ. I was thinking more like Death Valley. I am an introvert and proud of it.