Friday, October 25

We are here and...

We are safe. We have arrived! Drove in dense fog for a fair share of the morning but all went well and we arrived about 1:00. Butch is busy trying to get the golf cart started. His priorities can be a bit wonkie at times. One of us left the refridge freezer closed so I had a mildew mess to bleach out first. It was mostly in the freezer part and not really bad but definitely something to make note of next Spring. We are going to supper with Danielsons. I am hooked up to our internet and it is running smoothly! I do not have Butch hooked up yet. Maybe when He lets the golf cart rest. 

You most likely will not hear more from me until we feel settled in.❤

Thursday, October 24

Better Butt

 My injury is slowly getting better and I can tell an improvement each day. So far I have not met with too many obstacles. I can stand, walk, and sleep easily with little to no pain. Sitting is the one thing that gives me the most challenge. Needless to say, I am more cautious than I have been in the past. Getting old isn't easy!


 I caught up on computer work yesterday and when Butch and Terry returned from playing golf we went to T-Mobile and signed up for Internet with them. I am extremely pleased with the outcome. For some reason, it is called the 'Home' plan. We have what they call a Gateway. The woman who helped me was efficient and helpful. Being an IT guy, Terry helped me set it up when we returned. This way I will have Internet immediately when we arrive in Alamo and then when we return to Iowa I will take it with me and have the same Internet there. My Intenet bill will drop from $100.90 to $60 a month. Jefferson Telecom lost a customer. I don't think it will hurt them much. I asked Beka what it was costing me to get all this started and she said $0. The $60 a month is ALL I will be paying and the first autopay will be November 14th. So as long as I have electricity I will have unlimited Internet wherever I go. Can't beat it with a stick!! In case you think I went blindly into this, I had good recommendations from some Trophy people. Thanks to Liz and Chico!

Butch and Terry went golfing again today. Butch and I will be leaving here in the morning (Friday the 25th) heading to the RGV and our Southern plantation where we will be 'planted' for about 6 months.

Wednesday, October 23

And then it...

 ...was the third travel day from the Winstar Casino (The Inn) at Thackerville OK to the Linder residence at Canyon Lake TX. Oklahoma roads leave much to be desired. No matter where we are if we encounter a stretch of bad road we say they went to the Oklahoma School of Roadbuilding. Texas has good roads, always has.

It was a smooth ride to Canyon Lake, and it has been a great time getting all the news about people we mutually know with Terry and Lisa. We found out they will return to the Rio Grande Valley in February, staying for a month at Alamo Rose. We also have friends Sherri and Sam coming to the valley in late March for three or four days with us in Trophy Gardens.

My Butt: It does seem to be getting gradually better. It doesn't bother me to sleep at all. Tylenol Extra Strength has become my new best friend. I can stand and walk without pain, but sitting is another ball of wax. Jason told me that a guy he worked with who had an injured coccyx was that way; he could stand at work all day but sitting was a problem. I don't have proof but I do think that is what I am dealing with.

To back up a bit, we stopped in Mineral Wells, Texas for breakfast yesterday and we asked a woman on the street where would be a good breakfast place. She said "Happy Days Diner" and she was right! They had a senior menu with $8 meals and we both had an omelet. It was perfect in every way. Mineral Wells was a thriving city in the past with a huge hotel. They are doing their best to revive their town, much like Jefferson IA. I did think Jefferson could do a thing with a Barbie theme. Most of Jefferson was shocked to find that "Barbie" was such a draw. A Barbie themed restaurant would be great if we could get it off the ground! That and staying open on weekends.

We like to take HWY 281 to get to South Texas and it has been newly refurbished. What a smooth ride!!

Next stop, the Rio Grande Valley either Thursday or Friday.

Sunday, October 20

Unexpected Occurrence

 The guys, Gary and Butch, played golf yesterday so the rest of us went shopping, after which we went to the Teeter residence for supper and to see the new addition to the family. 3 goats and five kittens!

Amanda, Leo and Susan with the goats, Buffy, Bob and Billy.



All three!

And here is Butch with three of the 5 kittens.


And then I fell! We were headed back to the house and they had a big cement step to get on the patio and the back door. Leo tried to help me but I fell backwards onto the ground and hurt my butt. It was immediately painful, but I am doing quite well with ice packs, hot packs, and Tylenol extra strength. In my Fall checkup, the doctor asked me if I had any falls in the past year and I happily told her 'No'. I can no longer say that. I have one more day that I can baby the injury and then I will have to figure out how to travel in the car comfortably. It will be FINE!