At the Ledges State Park near Boone Iowa Old Rock Face...Looks like he was blowing a bubble and it popped on his face. This fountain is at Jason & Laura's place in Boone
Tuesday, August 29
Sister Myrla sent this picture. I think it is excellent and even more so if you know the story of these two cats. The one nearest to the camera is Tippy rescued from a life of hardship and crime by Myrla and Scott. The one outside is Scrappy, Tippy's brother who was somewhat rescued by a neighbor but does not have the same sort of life that Tippy enjoys. Write the rest of the story as you see it from the picture.
Yesterday I did not leave the house all day. It was a rainy chilly day and one made for staying inside. We listened to a book. 'The Kite Runner', I did some Swedish weaving and took a nap. Spaghetti and meatballs for supper. We do not often have days like that and they are nice for a change but not ones we want frequently. We will be in Yale until the 10th or 11th. Butch has his pre-surgery physical on the 11th in Atlantic so we will have a one or two day stopover there before going to the East Pottawatamie County Fairgrounds at Avoca IA., where we will be for the upcoming month.
Surgery Date ...Butch's surgery date is Friday,September 15th at 7:00 AM, Bergan-Mercy Hospital Omaha, NE.