Sunday Pool...My partner was Kinley Poulsen and we won 7 games of the 10 we played. I think we came in first but I have not seen the official tally yet. Butch and his partner won 6.
Monday I had a dermatology appointment and I saw a different doctor this time. Dr Gonzales took one look at me and said, "You have burned your face!!" "Why did you do that?" I said I thought I was following directions. She said, "No, because you have used way too much!" So I am on a completely different regimen and have to return in a week. I can tell it is much better already.
And then at noon, we went to Alamo Palms with neighbors Dean and Diane R. to a square dance lesson. Yes, you read that right. We haven't square danced for 20 years and we decided to see if we had lost it all or at least tabulate how much. It seems you can go 20 years and still do it! Oh, we are very rusty but it is coming back. We plan to attend a dance tomorrow night and see how it goes.
I had to get back by 3:00 for a pool hall board meeting. That went smoothly. Paul Kelleher is our Pres. and he is doing a great job. Paul is also Butch's pool partner.
We have a singer/songwriter in our park. He is also Pastor Randy Parks. Randy had helped another neighbor of ours, Gail Feild to write a song. She debuted her song with Randy's help at happy hour! Randy shared a few of his songs and how they came about. Our happy hours are always fun, informative, and entertaining. We hate to miss any of them.
Way too much got crammed into one day and I thank God that doesn't happen all that often. If it did, I would crash and burn more than my face!
Some random photos.
Do you wonder where all the scrap metal goes? A fair amount of it is in South Texas. This metal is not too far from us.

Sunrise (7:00 am) a week or more ago.
Our neighbor Gail decided to spruce up this very faded fire hydrant. It has its color back! Gail is a woman of many talents.