Saturday afternoon Butch and I attended an Alliant Energy Annual Picnic at Spring Lake. Lots of good food and conversation.
The leaves are beginning to turn and in another week should be fully colored.

Seeing this picture reminded me of an interesting story. Alliant Energy is changing the way they do health insurance for employees and retirees. There was a couple attending the picnic who have been living together for 42 years. Due to the changes they now have to get married! Or she would be without health insurance So on October 8th these particular seniors will be getting married. Isn't that a hoot!!
It was a beautiful fall day at the lake.
On Sunday we decided we had better get a move on finalizing the work around here. Fortunately Jason and Leo helped us with several tasks, especially those involving shovels and spades.
1. Butch and Jason buried the Satelite cable.
2. Butch emptied the rain barrel.
3.Jason smoothed out some ruts in RV site number 2 and moved Gary's camper back on it.
4. Barb and Butch loaded up Leo's tools and returned them for the winter.
5. Jason helped Butch get his tools, ladder etc. back in the motorhome.
6. Barb put two coats of paint on both the east and west side of the breezeway.
7. Leo and Jason finished up laying the path to the house.
8. Leo put some fill dirt in holes around the yard
Like I say- it was a flurry of activity.